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ä,aIdkag jfrka;=
l<ska újdyfha orejdg
kv;a;= f.ùu meyer yer,d

ysgmq l%slÜ kdhl yd iqmsß ms;slre ;s,lr;ak ä,aIdkag fld<U wxl 09 ufyia;%d;a wêlrKh úiska jfrka;= ksl=;a lr ;sfí'

ta ä,aIdkaf.a fmr újdyfha orejd fjkqfjka jir ;=kl ld,hla Ôú; rlaIK jdßl fkdf.ùu yd udislj f.jk remsh,a úisoyil kv;a;= fkdf.ùu iïnkaOfhka mjrd we;s kvqj Bfha ^10& jev n,k úksiqrejrhd bÈßfha le|jQ wjia:dfõ§ Tyq fmkS fkdisàu ksidh'

ish fiajdodhlhd ;,shlg iïnkaOùug ráka neyerj f.dia we;s nj ä,aIdka fjkqfjka fmkS isá kS;S{hd wêlrKhg oekajqjo" Tyq ,xldfõ isák njg meñ‚,af,a kS;S{hka úiska ikd: lsÍfuka miqj úksiqrejrhd Tyqg tfrysj jfrka;= ksl=;a lsÍug ksfhda. lf<ah'

tys§ ä,aIdkaf.a kS;S{hd ä,aIdka fjkqfjka fmkS isàug Tyqf.a ksfhdað;hl= wêlrKfha isák njo wêlrKhg okajd isáho" ;rd ;sru l=ulajqjo wêlrKfha fmkS isàu wksjd¾h nj okajñka úksiqrejrhd wod< ksfhda.h lf<ah'

ä,aIdkaf.a orejd fjkqfjka ä,aIdka m<uq újdyfha ìßh jk ks,xld ú;dkf.a fï kvqj mjrd ;sfí'

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