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kjï mqr mif,diajl fmdfyda Èkh wohs

Ydiksl jYfhka iqúfYaIS isÿùï /ilg ysñlï lshk kjï mqr mif,diajl fmdfydh furg fn!oaOhska ieoeye is;ska iur;s'

f,dõ;=rd iïud iïnqÿ rcdKka jykafia ishÆ NslaIQ fiakdj rc.y kqjr fõ¿jkdrduhg tla/ia lr m<uq jrg ix> iïfï,khla mj;ajk ,oafoa wo jeks kjï fmdfydh Èkhl § h'

m%:u O¾u ix.dhkdj isÿ lsÍu' ^nqoaO;ajfhka miq uq,a jrg ry;=kajykafia mquqL ishÆ ix>hd jykafia 1050 la tlg /iaj O¾u l;sldj;la we;slsÍu&
nqÿ rÿka úiska uyd ix>r;akhg NslaIQka jykafia Wfoid jQ YslaId ud¾.h foaYkd lsÍu'

;jo nqÿrcdKka jykafia rc.y kqjr fõÆjkdrdufha § ießhq;a uq.,ka fokug w.%Y%djl ;k;=re msßkeóu" ;:d.;hka jykafia úiska uyd ix>hdg ´jdo m%d;sfudala‍Ih foaYkd lsÍu" nqÿka jykafia msßksjkg udi ;=klg m%:u wdhq ixialdrh w;ayeÍu wd§ Ydik b;sydifha jeo.;a lreKq lsysmhla ksid kjïmqr mif<diajl fmdfydh Y%S ,xldjdiSkag jeo.;a fõ'

iïnqoaO O¾ufhys uQ,sl foaYkd folls' tkï ,´jdo m%d;sfudalaI foaYkdj yd wdkd foaYkdjhs', fuys ,´jdo m%d;sfudalaI, hkqfjka ye¢kafjkafka hïlsis wjjdohla lsÍu;a" iajhx yslaóu;a" bjiSu W;=ï iem; nj yd ish¿ wl=i,a fkdl<hq;= nj;a hkakhs' tfiau ,wdkd foaYkdj, hkqfjka ye¢kafjkafka wK lsÍu;a" YslaIdmo mekùu;a hkakhs' fuu foaYkdjka úkh /l.kakg fnfyúka jeo.;a úh' 

úYd,dfõ pdmd, ffp;Hfha§ wdhqixialdrh w;ayeßu hk oE kjï mqr mif,diajl fmdfydh Èkfha jeo.;alï f,i oelaúh yelsh'

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