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ckm;sg m%isoaêfha l=Kqyrefmka
nek" ;¾ckh l< mqoa.hskag
tfrysj iSwhsãh mÍlaIK

Widúhg m%isoaêfha wmydi fldg .,fndvw;af;a {dkidr ysñhka ßudkaâ nkaOkd.dr .; flrekq miq Tyqj ksoyia lrkakehs wka;¾cd,h Ndú;d fldg b;du;a my;a fmf<a" kskaÈ; jpk Ndú;d lrñka ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sg l=Kqyremfhka nek ðú; ;¾ck t,a,lr mqoa.,hka lsysm fofkla iïnkaOfhka ,eî we;s fmdweñKs,a,lg wkqj wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;=fïka;=j mÍlaIK wdrïN fldg we;ehs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d m%ldY lrkjd'
ta ms<sn|j woyia oelajQ fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd

,iudc fjí cd,d Tiafia ckdêm;s;=uka fj; urK ;¾ck isÿlrñka ta fkdfhl=;a wdldrfha wiNH jpk m%ldY lrñka mqoa.,hka lsysm fofkla úiska ckdêm;s ;=uka fj; ;¾ckh lrk o¾Yk iudc fjí cd,d Tiafia m%ldYhg m;a jqKd'ta ms<sn|j meñKs,a,la ,eî ;sfnkjd'ta meñKs,a, fï jkúg wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;=fïka;=j úiska úu¾Ykhg ,la lrkjd'tu úu¾Yk j,ska wk;=rej wod< ;eke;a;ka iïnkaOfhka ffk;sl l%shdud¾. .ekSug wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;=fïka;=j úiska fï jkúg úu¾Yk isÿlrñka mj;skjd',

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