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kdu,af.a iud.u bjrhs
kS;s{ ld¾hd,h f.k hdug
;ekla ke;sfjhs

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S kS;s{ kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;dg wh;a ‘NR Associates' kS;s{ iud.u msysgqjd ;snQ fld<U 05 .j¾ ùÈfha ld¾hd,h tu f.dvke.s,a, whs;s ;eke;a;d úiska kej; ,nd .ekSu ksid iud.fï lghq;= mj;ajdf.k hdu buy;a wiSre;djhlg m;aj we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

fuu f.dvke.s,a, whs;s ;eke;a;d uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdYh ^FCID& fj; le|jd m%Yak lsÍfuka wk;=rej Tyq ìhg m;aù f.dvke.s,a, jydu kej; ;ud fj; ,nd fok f,i kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.ka b,a,d ;sfí'

bkamiq kS;s{ ld¾hd,h /f.k hdu i|yd ta wjáka ia:dk lSmhla fidhd neÆjo lsisu f.dvke.s,s whs;slrefjl= jeä l=,shlg fyda f.dvke.s,a,la ,nd§u m%;slafIam lr we;'

tfukau kdu,af.a ‘NR Associates' kS;s{ iud.fï Tyqf.a yjq,a lrejka f,i lghq;= l< ckdêm;s kS;s{ .=fõr o fidhsid uy;d m%uqL wfkla yjq,alrejkq;a fï jk úg .j¾ ùÈfha ld¾hd,fhka kslau f.dia ;sfí' fï jk úg tys /§ isákafka tla lKsIaG kS;s{jrfhl= muks'

ld¾hd,h f.k hdug ;ekla fidhd .ekSug fkdyels ùu ksid tys ;snQ nvq ndysrdÈh kdu,a yd frdays; jdih lrk fgdßxgka p;=rY%h wi< msysá ksjig f.k f.dia ;sfí' mj;akd ;;ajh hgf;a kS;s{ iud.u mj;ajdf.k hdug wiSre jk fyhska th jid oeóug fndfyda bv we;s nj ‘NR Associates' kS;s{ iud.fï fiajh l< kS;s{jrfhl= i|yka lr isáfhah'

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