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kdu,a rdcmlaI w;awvx.=jg@

r.¾ l%Svl jiSï ;dcqãka >d;khg wod< iellrejka jyd u w;awvx.=jg .kakd f,i" wêlrKh Bfha ^25& ryia fmd,sishg oekqï ÿkafka h' ßh wk;=rla fuka ujd mdk ,o fuh ukqIH >d;khla nj miqj ;yjqre úh'

fï >d;kh iïnkaOfhka ielmsg ysgmq ckm;s fogq mq;a kdu,a rdcmlaI uka;%Sjrhd kqÿre Èkhl ryia fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;a jkq we;ehs jd¾;d fjhs'

wdrxÑ ud¾. ;jÿrg;a fy<slr isákafka" kdu,a iuÛ ysgmq ckm;s Ñr ld,Sk wdrlaIl lemagka ;siai kue;a;d o w;awvx.=jg m;a jkq we;s nj hs' tj‍l rfÜ by< u ;ekl Ndú;hg ;snq ÿrl;khlska" ;dcqãka >d;k wjia:dfõ iy Bg miqj lemagka ;siai iuÛ §¾> ÿrl;k ixjdo ;x.,a, m%foaYfha isg isÿ lr ;sfnk nj mejfihs'

fï isÿùug wod<j u ysgmq ks'fmd,siam;s wkqr fiakdkdhl iy ;j;a lsysm fofkla o w;awvx.=jg .kakd nj ;j ÿrg;a jd¾;d fjhs'

fuu >d;kh iïnkaOfhka fndfyda ÿrg lreKq fy<sorjq lrf.k we;s jqjo foaYmd,k m,s.ekSï f,i yqjd oelaùug we;uqka lghq;= lrk njg foaYmd,k úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑud¾. ioyka lrhs'

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