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Èjhsk mqrd úÿ,sh 
ì| jeàu iïnkaOfhka 
weu;s rxð;a jd¾;djla b,a,hs

Èjhsk mqrd yÈis úÿ,sh ì| jeàu iïnkaOfhka ;udg jd¾;djla imhkakehs úÿ,sn, wud;H rxð;a ishU,dmsáh uy;d wod< wxY fj; Wmfoia § ;sfí'

wud;HdxYh ksl=;a l< ksfõokhl oelafjkafka" fï iïnkaOfhka úfYaI úu¾Ykhla isÿlrk f,i o wud;Hjrhd Wmfoia § we;s nj h'

fï iïnkaOfhka lreKq úuiSu i|yd wo rd;%s 7 g úÿ,sn, wud;Hjrhdf.a m%Odk;ajfhka úfYaI lñgq /iaùula meje;afjk njo wod< ksfõokfha jeäÿrg;a i|yka'

wo miajre 2g muK fuu yÈis úÿ,s ì| jeàu isÿjQ w;r fndfyda m%foaYj, úÿ,sh iemhqu ;ju;a h:d ;;a;ajhg m;a ù fkdue;'

,xld úÿ,sn, uKav,fha iNdm;s wkqr úf–md, uy;d m%ldY lf<a" fiiq m%foaYj, úÿ,sh iemhqu miajre 6 g fmr h:d ;;a;ajhg m;a lsßug wfmalaId lrk nj h'

wo miajre folg muK Èjhsk mqrdu úÿ,sh iemhqu ì| jeáK'

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