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wu;H rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d
úfYaI .=jka hdkhlska
isx.mamQreg f.k hhs

Bfha osk yÈis wikSm ;;ajhla fya;=fjka fld<U z,xld fydiamsg,iaZ mqoa.,slfrday, fj; we;=<;a lrk ,o fi!LH weu;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d úfYaI .=jka hdkdjlska isx.mamQrej n,d /f.k f.dia ;sfí'

flfia fj;;a weu;sjrhdf.a udoH f,alïjrhd mjikafka fiakdr;ak uy;d ;u jd¾Isl fi!LH ;;ajh mÍlaIdj lsÍug Bfha Èk frday,a.; jQ w;r tys§ jd¾;d jQ iq¿ wikSm ;;a;ajhla u; mjqf,a idudðlhskaf.a oeä b,a,Su msg jeäÿr ffjoH mßlaIK ioyd ix.mamQ/qj n,d .sh njhs'

weu;sjkrhd widOH ;;a;ajfha miqjkafka hhs m,jk jd¾;d i;Hfhka f;dr njo mjik udOH f,alï ksmqka talkdhl isx.mamqrefú§ jeäÿr mßlaIK isÿ lsÍfuka miq wjYH kï muKla 
m‍%;sldr ,nd .kq we;ehso lshhs'

weu;sjrhd t<efUk 22od bkaÈhdfú meje;afjk úfYaI W;aij wjia:djlgo iyNd.S jkafka hhs Tyq jeä ÿrg;a lshhs'

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