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fkÆï fmdl=fKa lsß uqyqo le<fò'

lsß uqyqo l<Uk ir mõj - ukaor mõj m%ix.h Y‍%S ,xlSh ix.S;fha kjuq biõ hd lrñka fmnrjdß 27 fjksod iji 7g fkÆï fmdl=K rÛyf,a § meje;afõ'

;reKHfha fidÿr;u lvbula jk ukaor mõjg  iuka f,kska" ÿud,a j¾Kl=,iQßh" bkaÈl rejka ^rEks&" rkacka id,sh" ;=is;a isïika iy iQ¾hhd tlajk w;r ix.S;h o¾Yk rejka Èidkhlf.a kj ix.S; rgdj,ska j¾Kj;a fõ'

kj ks¾udKd;aul ix.S; wjldYhkag jeä bvla i,iñka l, t,s nysk ;reKHfha cjiïmkak .dhk fm!reIka tlu fõÈldjlg f.k tau ukaor mõj m%ix.fha uqLH wruqkhs'

ta wjia:djg tlajkakg wyi óähd j¾laia Y%S ,dxlSh risl;ajhg wdrdOkd lrhs'

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