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kdúl yuqod r.¾ l%Svlhskag
;r. ;ykula ^PdhdrEm&
fhdaIs;g ifmdaÜ lrkak zfhdaZ lsh,d
nEkaâ ne|f.k r.¾ .y,d

fï jk úg nkaOkd.dr .;lr isák kdúl yuqod r.aì lKavdhfï kdhl fhdaIs; rdcmlaIg iyh oelaùug "YOO7" f,i w;a m<|kdjla ne| l%Svd l< kdúl yuqod r.aì lKavdhfï 4 fofkl=g ;r. ;ykula mkjd ;sfnkjd'wod< ;yku mkjd we;af;a kdúl yuqodm;sjrhd úiska'

Tjqka fufia w;a m<|kd ne| l%Svd lr ;snqfKa Bfha Èh.u l%Svdx.Kfha hqo yuqodj iu. mej;s ;r.fhahs' fï ;r.fhka kdúl yuqod lKavdhu ,l=Kq 32 g 30 la f,i ch .;a;d'

flfia fj;;a fï iïnkaOfhka úkh mÍlaIKh wjika jk ;=re tu l%Svlhkag fuu ;r. ;yku mkjd we;s njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

fhdaIs; rdcmlaI uy;d kdúl yuqod r.aì lKavdhfï ysgmq kdhlhd jk w;r Tyqf.a wxlh ù we;af;a 07 hs' fï iïnkaOfhka jQ PdhdrEm lsysmhlao wka;¾cd,h yryd ixirKh fjñka ;sfnkjd'

tu ;r.fha PdhrEm my;ska''

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