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cmqf¾ jHdydßl úoHdmsGh
Èk kshuhla fkdue;sj jid ouhs

Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYaj úoHd,fha jHdydßl úoHdmsGfha od we;sjQ l,yldÍ jd;djrKhla ms<snoj f.disma99 wms Tng mjid isáh'

tys ùäfhda mgho wmfj; ,eî we;' fï fya;=fjka úoHdmsGh fï jk úg Èk kshuhla fkdue;sj jid ;sfnkj' 

kjljoh fya;=fjka mla‍I yd úmlaI isiqka fomsßila w;r we;s jQ fuu l,ydldÍ ;;a;ajh ksidfjka isiqka msßila widOH;djh u; frday,a .; lr we;s w;r ;j;a isiqka msßila m%;sldr ,nd fï jk úg frday,ska msgjf.dia we;'kjljoh wkqu; fkdlrk jHdydßl úoHdmsGh fj; meñK kjljoh wkqu; lrkd isiqka fndfyda

m%udKhla b;d nrm;, jYfhka  úoHdmsGfha isiqka fj; myr § ;sfnkafka oඬq uq.=re mjd Ndú;d lrñks' w.yrejod iy nodod foÈk we;sjqKq fuu myr§ï w;r;=r  úoHdmsGfha l:sldpdrjrekag mjd l,yldß msßila nekje§ ;sfí'

jHdydßl úoHdmsGfha isiqka yg we;s jQ fuu myr§u wNsuqj tys mßmd,kh uqksj; rlskafka isiqka uú;hg m;a lrñks' mgq foaYmd,k wruqKq uqÿka muqKqjd .ekSu iy ish ;k;=re /l.ekSfï wNs,dIfhka miqjk  úoHdmsG msGdêm;s uydpd¾h iqoka; ,shkf.a uy;df.a wÿßo¾Ys l%shdl,dmh fya;=fjka úoHdmsGfha isiqka b;d wirK Ndjhg m;aj we;s w;r msGh Èk kshuhla fkdue;sjd jid we;s ksid isiqkaf.a wOHdmkh whs;sho wysñ ù ;sfí' ld,fha foaYmd,k m%n,hl= fjkqfjka lemjqkq mqoa.,hl= fï ioyd iDcq iïnkao;djhla we;s nj jd¾:dfõ' wmfj; f;dr;=/ ,o iekska f.disma99 wms rgg fy,slSßug wms iQodkï'

fmr mqj;g - cmqf¾ YsIH uer m%ydrhla

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