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fkdfnda Èklska .+.,a neÆka
jHdmD;sh furg§ wdrïN jk nj
weu;s yßka lshhs

f,dj m%‍;u .+.,a neÆka jHdmD;sh ;j fkdfnda Èklska furg§ wdrïN lrk nj úÿ,s ixfoaY äðg,a há;, myiqlï weue;s yÍka m%kdkaÿ uy;d mjikjd' ta ksid uqÆ f,dalfhau wjOdkh fï ld,fha§ furgg fhduq ù we;ehso m%kdkaÿ uy;d mjihs'

f;dr;=re ikaksfõokfha f,dj oejeka;hka tlajk äðg,a iuq¿jlao cqks udifha Y%S ,xldj ;=< meje;aùug ie,iqï lr ;sfí' f;dr;=re ikaksfõok jHdmD;s rdYshlao fï jif¾§ l%shd;aul lsÍug ie,iqï lr we;' bka ixj¾Ok b,a,l ch .ekSu jvd;a myiq jk njo weue;sjrhd fmkajd fokjd'

weue;sjrhd fï nj mejiQfõ Bfha^01& kdrdfyakamsg Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re ixksfõok ksfhdað; wdh;kfha ^ICTA& meje;s udOH yuqjlg tlafjñks'

wud;H yÍka m%‍kdkaÿ uy;d we;=¿ msßi wfußldfõ le,sf*dakshd m%dka;fha l< ixpdrhl§ l< idlÉPd fya;=fjka f;dr;=re ixksfõokfha oejeka;hka furg wdfhdackhg leue;a; m< l< njo fuys§ mejiqjd' .+.,a neÆka jHdmD;sfhka wdrlaIdjg ;¾ckhla fkdjk njo ta ms<sn|j wdrlaIl wud;Hjrhd iu. idlÉPd mj;ajd we;s njo fmkajd ÿka weue;sjrhd f,dalfha m%Odk fldaám;shka jk .+.,a wdh;kfha iu ks¾ud;D i¾ð n%ska jeks wh furg wdfhdackhg leue;a; m< lsÍuu rg ,enQ úYd, ch.%yKhla nj fmkajd ÿkakd

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