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f,d;/hs oskqulska
furg b;sydifha jeäu
ch.%dyS uqof,a ysñlrejd fukak

miq.sod cd;sl f,d;/hs uKav,fha f.dúfi; álÜ m; u.ska od ,nd ÿka remsh,a oy;=ka fldaá oy;=ka ,laI yeg oyia tlish ;sia yhhs Y; y;,syl Èkqu Tng u;l we;s'th furg f,d;/hs b;sydifha jeäu ch.%dyS uqo, f,ihs ie,flkafka'

jEksod mo,x., mÈxÑ ta' t,a' fla' lS¾;s l=udr kï jk ch.%dylhd uqo,a wud;HxYhg meñK ish ch.%dyS fplam; ,ndf.k ;sfnkjd'

ta" uqo,a wud;H rù lreKdkdhl uy;df.kah'

cd;sl f,d;rhs uKav,fha iNdm;sks Yñ,d fmf¾rd uy;añh iy tu álÜ m; wf,ú l, wf,ú ksfhdað;jrhd o tu wjia:djg tlaj isáhd'

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