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Blue Mountain
;re mfya cd;Hka;r iïudkhla

furg m%uqL fmf<a foam< fj<| iud.ula jk Blue Mountain iud.u" 2015 jif¾§ uef,aishdfõ meje;ajQ wdishdkq meismsla foam< iïudk Wf<f,a§ [^APPAS& Asia Pacific Property Awards Summit] foam< wf,úlrKh iy WmfoaYk ^Property Consultancy Marketing& j¾.SlrKh hgf;a kjH woyia yd bÈßm;a lsÍï fjkqfjka 5-iagd¾ iïudkh ysñlr.ekSug iu;a ù we;s nj úYajdilghq;= wdrxÑud¾. ioyka lrhs'
wdishdkq meismsla l<dmfha ish¿u rgj,a wNsnjñka Blue Mountain iud.u fuu cd;Hka;r iïudkh ,nd.ekSug iu;a ù we;' jHdmdßl flaIa;%fha jir 05 la jeks flá ld,iSudjla ;=< tu iud.u ,nd we;s mdß úYajdih iy foam< fj<odï flaIa;%fha jHdmdßl Yla;su;aNdjho óg bjy,a ù we;'

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