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iqñ;af.a urKhg fya;=j
lemqï ;=jd, nj wkdjrKh fjhs

fndre idlals ÿka ñ iqñ;af.a ìßhg
iy kS;s{hdg tfrysj kvq jefgk ,l=Kq ld,h;=, fmd,Sishg úYd, jfhka fpdokd t,a,jq isoaOshla jk weô,smsáfha iqñ;a m%ikak chj¾Ok uy;df.a urKhhs' urKhg fya;=ù we;af;a weô,smsáh iyldr fmd,sia wêldß O¾ur;ak uy;d Tyqj f.dvke.s,af,ka my<g ;,a¨‍ l< ksid hehs lshñka fndre idlals ÿka nj lshk urKlref.a ìßhg iy weh Bg fm,UjQ kS;s{jrhdg tfrysj oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 191 j.ka;sh hgf;a kvq mejÍug fmd,sisfha fcHIaG ks,OdÍka msßila mshjr f.k ;sfí'

hï iellrejl=g urK o~qju ,eìh yels jrolg hul= fndre idlals ÿka njg wêlrKh bÈßfha Tmamq jqjfyd;a oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 191 j.ka;sh hgf;a Bg wod< o~qju fjkafka nrm;< jev we;sj jir oyhl isro~qjula ,eîuhs'

fuu isoaêfha§ ñ iqñ;a m%ikak chj¾Ok uy;df.a urKh isÿùug fya;=j nyqúO bkaøshkag jQ ydksh ksid nj Bfha ^18& weô,smsáh ufyaia;%d;ajrhd bÈßfha ;SrKh ùfuka miq iqñ;a m%ikakj iyldr fmd,sia wêldß O¾ur;ak uy;d idoh meje;ajQ f.dvke.s,af,a by< uyf,a isg ;,a¨‍ l< njg bÈßm;a jQ fndre idlalsj,g tfrysj kvq mejÍug fufia ;SrKh ù ;sfí'

fuu isoaêh yryd fmd,sishg w;aú£ug isÿjQ oeä wmydih ksid we;eï msßia bka miqjo úúO wjia:dj,§ fmd,sish fkd;ld kS;sh Tjqka w;g f.k l%shd lrk wjia:d .Kkdjla jd¾;d ù ;sì‚'

isoaêfha§ ñ iqñ;a m%ikak uy;dj tu f.dvke.s,af,a by< ud,fha isg iyldr fmd,sia wêldß O¾ur;ak uy;d Wiaid ìug ;,a¨‍ lrkq weiska ÿgq nj ‍Tyqf.a ìßh iy ;j;a mqoa.,hl= idlals § ;sì‚' Bg wu;rj iyldr fmd,sia wêldß O¾ur;ak uy;d iqñ;a m%ikak ;,a¨‍ flf<a ke;s njg oñ;a foaYdka kue;s whl= idlals § ;sì‚' tu idlalslreg tla;rd kS;s{jrhl= neK ;¾ckh lf<a hehs Tyq meñ‚,a,la o ler ;sì‚'

oKav kS;s ix.%yfha úkaÈ;hka wdrlaId lsÍfï mk; hgf;a tu kS;s{jrhdg tfrysj;a fndre idlals §ug tfrysj;a fufia kvq mejÍug tu fcHIaG fmd,sia ks,OdÍka Bfha miajrefõu idlÉPd ler ;SrKh f.k ;sì‚'

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