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okqkf.ka úfÊodig tka;rjdishla
,laI 250la b,a,hs^ùäfhda&

*s,aâ udI,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;df.a nekkqjka jk okqk ;s,lr;ak wo ^13& wêlrk weu;s úfÊodi rdcmlaI uy;dg tfrysj tka;r jdishla hjd ;sfí'

okqk ;s,l r;ak úiska leojd ;snQ udOH yuqjla wu;ñka Tyq fï nj wkdjrKh lr isáfhah'okqk ;s,lr;ak uy;d" yhsfldama kvqfjka wêlrKh úiska ksfodia fldg ksoyia lr úfoaI .uka n,m; iy uqo,a iy Tyqg wh;a uqo,a .skqï wêlrk weu;s ndrfha we;s neúka weu;s jrhdf.ka th ,nd .eksug lghq;= lrk f,i oekqï § ;sfí'

tu .sKqï ksoyia lr fok f,i b,a,d ,smshla u.ska b,a,sula l< m<uq fudfydf;a isg wêlrk weu;s úfÊodi rdcmlaI uy;d uOH yuq leojñka úúO kd,sldj, jev igyka ;=<ska tu .skqïj, we;s uqo,a l¿i,a,so ke;skï *s,aâ udI,a ir;a fmdkafiald uy;d hqo yuqodm;s ld,fha fgkavrj,ska .;a fldñia uo,ao hkak fiúh hq;= hehs lshñka uv .iñks isákafka hehs Tyq mjihs'

Tyqf.a pß;hg;a Tyq ksfhdackh lrk m%cd;ka;%jd§ mlaIhg;a uv .iñka udi ;=kla .;jqjo ms,s;=rla fkdÿka nj;a ;s,lr;ak uy;d mjihs'

;s,lr;ak uy;df.a .skqïj, we;ehs lshk ,laI 886 uqo,la fyd hqO yuqod fldñia uqo,la fyd fjk;a jxpksl uqo,la ;uka i;=j fkdue;s Tyqf.a .skqïj, we;s uqo,a Tyq weurldfõ ieg,hsÜ iud.ul WmfoaYlfhl=j isáhÈ Wmhd .;a msßisÿ uqo,a nj;a udOH yuqfõ§ wjOdrKh lr isáfhah'

˜‍ud yg wêlrk weu;s úfÊodi rdcmlaI uy;d l< wmydihg uqo,ska /msh,a fofldaá mkia l,laIhla ^re' 25"000"000& jkaÈhla b,a,d kvq mejßug tka;r jdishla hjd Èk 14 lska lghq;= lrk nj˜‍ ta uy;d jeâ ÿrg;a mjid isáfha h'
okqk ;s,lr;ak uy;d m%cd;ka;%jd§ mlaIfha ol=Kq fld<U wdik ixúOdhljrhd njo lshd isà'

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