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;dcqãka >d;kfha iellrejka
w;avx.=jg .kak CIDg ksfhda.

r.aì l%Svl jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a urKhg iïnkaO iellrejka w;awvx.=jg f.k wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrk f,i fld<U w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;a ksYdka; mSßia uy;d wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg ksfhda. lr ;sfí'

jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a urKhg wod< mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKfha ;Skaÿj m%ldYhg m;a lrñka w;sf¾l ufyaia;%d;ajrhd fuu ksfhda.h lf<ah'ufyaia;%d;ajrhd tu ks.ukh lr we;af;a ;dcqãkaf.a urKh iïnkaOfhka isÿ l< mÍlaIK jd¾;d 6la ie,ls,a,g .ksñks'

jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a urKhg fya;=j mmqj m%foaYhg we;s jQ ;=jd, ksid isÿ jQ urKhla njg ksÍlaIKh lrk nj;a" th ßh wk;=rla fya;=fjka we;s jQ urKhla njg ie<lsh fkdyels nj;a" fuu urKh >d;khla njg f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù we;s nj;a" ta ms<sn| oelafjk jd¾;djla ud¾;= 23jk Èk bÈßm;a lrk f,io fuys§ ufyaia;%d;ajrhd ksfhda. lr ;sfí'

fï w;r r.aì l%Svl jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a urKhg wod<j isÿflfrk mÍlaIK j,§ fidhd.;a iS'iS'à'ù o¾Yk úfoaY rglg hjd mÍlaIK isÿlsÍu iïnkaOj rcfha kS;S{jrhd fld<U ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKh yuqfõ lreKq olajd ;sfí'

wod< kvqj wo le|jQ wjia:dfõ rcfha kS;S{ ä,dka r;akdhl uy;d wêlrKh yuqfõ lshd isáfha iS'iS'à'ù o¾Yk úfoia rgj,g hjd mÍlaIK isÿlsÍfï§ m%udohla isÿj we;s njg udOH Tiafia jd¾;d m< ù we;s njhs'

tu jd¾;d wi;H nj i|yka l< rcfha kS;S{jrhd wod< o¾Yk úfoia rgj,g heùfï lghq;= úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYh iy cd;Hka;r fmd,Sish yryd isÿl< hq;= neúka ta i|yd hï lsis ld,hla .; úh yels nj i|yka lf<ah'

wêlrKh yuqfõ jeäÿrg;a lreKq olajñka rcfha kS;S{ ä,dka r;akdhl uy;d mejiqfõ jiSï ;dcqãkaf.a urKhg wod<j ;jÿrg;a úu¾Yk isÿflfrk w;r idlaIslrefjka 16 fofkl=f.ka fï jk úg m%ldY ,ndf.k we;s njhs'

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