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ksfhdacH wud;H rkacka rdukdhl úiska Bfha mj;ajk ,o úfYaI mqj;a m;a idlÉPdjla yd ÿrl;kfhka iÔùj iïnkaO jQ ysgmq ckdêm;sf.a rdclSh ffoj{ iqukodi wfí.=kj¾OK úiska ld,fha rdcmlaI frðuh úiska lrk ,o kS;S úfrdaê l%shdjka rdYshla t,sorõ lf,ah'

;dcqãka >d;khg fl,skau fpdaokd t,a,jk iy uE;lÈ ,ika; úl%u;=x. >d;kfha iellrejka f,i udOH úiska y÷kdf.k we;s fïc¾ ;siai .ek i|yka lrñka Tyq mejiqfõ" Tjqka .;lf,a wuq;=u Ôjk rgdjla njh'

fï fpdaokd .ek Tyq mqÿu fkdfjk nj;a" Tyq úiska ñ,shk .kkla jákd úYd, ukaÈrhla rdc.sßh Tfífialr j,õj bÈßmsg b¢lr we;s nj;a" ckdêm;s ;=ud iuÕ ks;ru isák fïc¾ fkú,a keue;a;dg yïnkaf;dg úYd, ukaÈrhla we;s nj;a tajdfha ish¿u kel;a lghq;= is÷lf,a ;ud nj;a i|yka lrk ,È'

neis,a rdcmlaI i;= wlalr myf<djlg jvd jeä bvul úYd, ukaÈrhla we;s nj;a' th we;af;a Tyqf.a kug fkdj ksrEmud rdcmlaIf.a iajdñmqreIhd jk ;sre kfâIkaf.a kug nj;a Tyq úiska fy,s lrk ,È'

fuysÈ iqukodi fy,sl, ;j;a lreKla ikd; lsÍu i|yd ,xld mq;% nexl=fõ iNdm;s iÔùj iïnkaO lr.;a rkacka i|yka lr isáfha 2006 wdrïn l< fuu nexl=fõ j;alï remshla ì,shk 8la nj;a thska ì,shk 5 la .dñ‚ fikr;af.a ksfhda. wkqj rdcmlaI mjqf,a ys;j;=kg fnod yer we;s nj;a" thska ì,shk 2 l uqo,la fnd,a Kh f,i lmd yer we;s nj;ah'

fuysÈ jir follg fmr ckdêm;sjrKh mej;aùug kel;a iod §u ms<sn|j iqukodi uy;dg ia;+;s l, ksfhdacH weu;s;=udg iqukodi uy;d i|yka lr isáfha" bÈßfhaÈ;a ;uka okak ish¿u foa fy,s lsÍug iQodkï nj;ah'

tu wjia:dfõ ùäfhdaj my;ska kerôh yelshs

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