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wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkfha§
,xldfõ wjqreÿ 21g wvq 
;reKshka 9"400 f.a
lkHdNdjh wysñ fjkjÆ

wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkfha§ ^Valentine's Day& Y%S ,xldfõ wjqreÿ 21lg wvq ;reKshka 9"400lg wdikak ixLHdjlf.a lkHdNdjh flf,fik njg iólaIKhlska fy<sfõ' fï nj fy<sjkafka ^Scottishorbit& wdh;kh úiska lrk ,o iólaIKhlsks' wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkfha fjf<|fmdf<a isÿjk l%shdj,ska Bg wu;rj wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkfhka miqj .íid uOHia:dk yd ;j;a ffjoH wdh;k /ilska f;dr;=re ,ndf.k lrk ,o iólaIKj,ska fï lreKq wkdjrKh jk nj tlai;a rdcOdksfha rdclSh ffjoH iNdfõ ffjoH wixl úfcr;ak uy;d  mejeiSh'
wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkh jYfhka ie,flk fmnrjdß 14 jeksod *duisj,ska Wm;a md,khg wod< fnfy;a j¾.

iy Wm;a md,k fldmq wf,úh fo.=Klska blau f.dia ;sfnk nj;a fmnrjdß 15" 16 iy 17 hk Èkj, fld<U" l¿;r" .ïmy" ó.uqj" uykqjr yd ud;f,a hk m%foaYj, msysá .íid uOHia:dkj,ska ,o f;dr;=rej,ska ;reKshka /ila .íid isÿlr .ekSug meñfKk nj;a ffjoH wixl úf–r;ak uy;d i|yka lrhs'

wdorjka;hkaf.a Èkfha§ ,ndÈh hq;= fyd|u ;Hd.h fï m%:u , tlaùu njg u;hla m%n,j ;reK mrïmrdj w;r f*ianqla we;=¿ wka;¾cd,h uÛska m%pdrh jk nj;a fï ;;a;ajhg mdi,a oeßhka we;=¿ ;reKshka /ila /jfgk nj;a fï .ek ujqmshka" Ndrlrejka jeä wjOdkhla fhduql< hq;= nj;a ffjoH wixl úf–r;ak uy;d mjihs' fmïj;=kaf.a Èkfhka miq Èk fol ;=k úfYaIfhkau ;reKshkaf.a ishÈú kid.ekSï fo.=Khlska by< f.dia ;sfnk nj;a ,ndfok ;Hd.j, úúO ;lafiare" wdorh .ek hï hï wúYajdi fya;=fjka fï ishÈú kid.ekSï isÿjk nj;a ffjoH wixl úf–r;ak uy;d fmkajd fohs'

óg wu;rj frdai u,a yd fpdla,Ü fjk Èkj,g jvd fmnrjdß 14 jeksod yhish .=Khlska by< f.dia ;sfnk nj;a Y%S ,xldfõ remsh,a 4"500g jvd wvq uqo,g ;sfnk ldur ;reK fcdavq fjkqfjka muKla tÈkg 80]lg jvd fjkajk nj;a fï iólaIK jd¾;dj,ska ;jÿrg;a fy<sjk njo ffjoH wixl úf–r;ak uy;d jeäÿrg;a i|yka flf<ah'
ujqìu weiqfrks

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