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weu;s yßka  yß úÈhg
yß yßhg äðg,a
fjk rgla ìyslrhs o@

,xlfõ l,ska l,g t,s neiai ixj¾ok jHmD;ska yryd l,ska l,g  rgg tajd yÿkaj ÿka  m%n,hska ms,snoj iold,sl u;hka we;'.ï Wodj ixl,amh yry rkisxy fma%uodi ue;s;=ud m%p,s; jq w;r ;rek lghq;= ;rek fiajd iN we;s lsÍu ;=, j;uka w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxyhka f.a ku ta iEu ;eklu l=uk rchla meksñh;a ioyka lsÍu u. yeßh fkdyels lghq;a;ls'Bg fya;=j ta ta jHmD;Ska yryd wÆ;a rgla wÆ;a ikal,amhla we;s lr,Su ;a ta yry wÆ;a rgla ks¾ukh lsÍu;a hk fya;=ka ksiuh'fujeks i$kal,amhka b; iSñ;h'iuDÈh o tys tla jHmD;shls'fïjdhska rglg ,enqk wmuk w.h ;j;j;a rfÜ wk.a;hg fldf;la ÿrg ohl jQjdoehs Tng ks.ukh lsÍug wm bv ;nd wm bÈßfhaÈ uqÆ rgu äðg,a lsÍfï uy oejeka; jHdmD;skaj, kshe,sug iqodkï nj ioyka lruq'

rgla äðg,a ;dlaYkh yry ;u lghq;= myiq lr.kakg mqreÿ jkafka kï ta yry rfÜ mj;sk Y%u m,odhs;ajh jv by,g kxjd .; yelsh'ir,j lSfjd;ska lghq;= jv;a l¾hlaYuj l, yels ;rfï j;djrkhla we;s ùu u; rgla yeáhg wmg b;fõ.fhka f,dabl n,j;=ka fj; ,xùu l, yels uÜgulg meñksh yelsh'rfÜ ixj¾okh Tfí ixj¾okhhs'Tfí wkd.;h ms,snoj Tfnka miq mrmqf¾ wk.agyh ms,snoj wmg b; .eUqrej ks.ukh lsßug fï yry wjia;djla ,efnkq we;'

n%s;dkH  wfußldj Ökh jeks rgj,a ish lghq;= fjkqfjka äðg,a ;dlaYkh fldf;la ÿrg Wmfhda.s lr.afkao lsjfyd;a tys äðg,a há;, myiqlï fkdue;s lsisÿ wu;HkaYhla ke;'lsisÿ /lshjla ke;'iEu lghq;a;lu myiqj fjkqfjka Tjqka äðg,a jevigyka l%sh;aul lrkq ,nhs'ta yry ld,h b;sß úu;a lrH jvd bluka iy myiqj lsÍfï wjia;dj;a ck;djg ,eî we;';=kafjks f,dalfha Èhqkqfjñka mj;sk rgla fjk wms wka ljr wdish;sl rglg;a jv tydg hd hq;=uh'wms mqxÑ rgls'wmg tldjkaj tluq;=j oekqu fnod .; yelsh'wms oeka yß u. huq'ta fldfyduo lsh, ,.Èu lshkï'oekg wms yß úÈhg äðg,a fjuq lsh, ú;rla ysf;a ;shd .kak

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