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kj jHjia:dfjka ck;djg 
fi;la isÿfjkjd
-w.ue;s rks,a

jHjia:d iïmdok uKav,hla md¾,sfïka;=j yuqjg f.k tafuka hymd,kh ;jÿrg;a ;yjqre fjk nj w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d m%ldY lf<ah' kj jHjia:d iïmdokfhka foaYmd,kfhka f;drj ck;djg fi;la isÿfjk nj fy<s l< w.ue;sjrhd Bg mlaI iy úmlaI fjk wh isáh yels nj wkdjrKh lf<ah'

w.ue;sjrhd tfia i|yka lf<a nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,fõÈ Bfha^8& iji meje;s m%cd;ka;%jd§ rdcH md,khg jirla imsÍu ksñ;af;ka ixúOdk ler ;snQ cd;sl ieureï Wf<,g tla fjñks'

uy;a wNsudkj;a whqßka meje;s ieureï Wf<f,a § tlu oehla uy n,hla .%ka:h ckdêm;sjrhdf.a m%Odk;ajfhka t<soelaúKs'

hymd,kh hgf;a ckjdß 8 fjksod úma,jfhka W;=r- ol=K isxy,

fou< fn!oaO" yskaÿ)lf;da,sl wd§ uq¿ rgu tla l< nj lS w.ue;sjrhd fojqkaor ;=vqfõ isg fmaÿre;=vqj olajd ishÆ fokd tla ler we;ehs lSh'

hymd,kh iuÛska Y%S ,xldj lghq;= l<fyd;a bÈß jir lsysmfha ,xldj ol=Kq wdishdfõ wxl tlg meñfKk nj;a ,xldj flf¾ úYajdih ;eìh yels nj úfoaY m%NQka msßila ;udg oeKqï ÿka nj o w.ue;sjrhd lSfõh'

uyd ix>r;akh" ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x." uy;aud .dkaê uy;df.a {d;shl= jk f.damd,a l%sIaKd .dkaê" tlai;a cd;Skaf.a Y%S ,xld ks;H ksfhdað; iqfnks kekaÈ hk uy;au uy;aóka ue;s weue;sjre wdrdê;hka l,dlrejka we;=¿ úYd, msßila fï wjia:djg tlaù isáhy'

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