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Woh ue;s÷ wo ;kshu fj,d ueoafoa''

uka;%S .ïukams,g fudlo fjkak hkafk@

fuf,i fuu mohfka fuu flá ,smsh wrUkak is;=fõ ,smshg wod,j iómju .e,fmk ksidh' jif¾ ckjdß 8 jkod uyskao rdcmlaI mrdchg m;a lrñka m%cd;%ka;jd§j ishÆu wNsfhda. yuqfõ ck;d ukdmfhka ffu;%smd, isßfiak ue;s;=ud ch.kq ,eìh' tys jirl moú m%dma;sh kqÿf¾§u ieuÍug b;d pdïj lghq;= fhdod ;sfí' fï ta ms,sn| fkdfõ'

ffu;%S ckm;s Oqrhg m;aù jirla .; jk fï fudfydf;a Tyqf.a úreoaOjd§ka msßi fkdfhl=;a l;d lshñka fkdfhl=;a kï j,ska tu jir iy ieureï yÿkajd § ;sfí' tys jvd;au wdikak;u isÿùu jkafka taldnoaO úmlaIfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Woh .ïukams, uy;d ckjdß 2 isg 8 olajd i;shl ld,h l¿ fldä i;shla f,i;a tu ld,h ;=, ish ksjia j, uQKq fmdf;a l¿ fldä m%o¾Ykh lrñka fuu ieureug ck;d pkaofhka m;a jQ ckdêm;sjrhdg úreoaO jk f,ihs' 

.ïukams, uka;%Sjrhd m%jD;a;s ilÉPd ;nñka l¿ j¾Kh me<| .ksñka ck;djf.ka fukau ;u md¾,sfïka;= wfkla i.hkaf.kao Tyq fuka l¿ fldä me<| .kak f,i b,a,sh' tu b,a,Sug m%;spdr fl,iohs wms uQKq fmdf;a jghla .eiqfjuq' .ïukams, uka;%Sjrhdf.a tu b,a,a,su ish md¾,sfïka;= i.hkaj;a bgq lr fkdue;s njla wmg olakg ,eìKs' Woh .ïukams, fuu l%shdj,sfha§ ;ksjuoehs wmsg wikak jkafka tu ksidh' .ïukams, uy;d fmr mejiqfõ ksjfia jdykfha l¿ fldä me<£ug ìhkï ish uQKq fmd;a .sKqfï fyda m< lrf.k ish úfrdaOh mdk f,ihs' tfy;a taldnoaO úmlaIfha nyq;rhla uka;%Sjreka .ïukams, uy;df.a fuu b,a,Sug ijka fhdu ke;s nj fmfka'

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