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;s,x." w¾cqkg tfrysj kS;sh
l%shd;aul lsÍug ierfihs - VIDEO

fuÉpr l,a uu lgjyf.k ysáfha'
tkak lshkak ud;a tlal ´ks újdohlg'
- ;s,x. iqu;smd,

Y%S ,xld l%slÜ wdh;kfha kj iNdm;s ;k;=rg m;a ;s,x. iqu;smd, ks,jrKfha § Wm iNdm;sOqrhlg ;r. jeÿKq w¾cqk rK;=x. g tfrysj kS;suh mshjr .ekSug ierfihs'

wo ^4& Y%S ,xld l%slÜ wdh;kfha mj;S udOHh yuqjl § fyf;u fï nj lshd isáfhah'Bg fya;=ù we;af;a l%slÜ ks,jrKfhka miq w¾cqk rK;=x. udOHh yuqfõ lrkq ,enQ m%ldYhla'l%slÜ l%Svdj ud*shdjg ,laj we;s nj;a fï ksid uyd ue;sjrKfhka ch.ekSug yels jqk;a l%slÜ ks,jrKfhka ;ukag ch.%yKh lsÍug fkdyels jQ nj m%ldY lf<ah'

wod, m%ldYh iïnkaOfhka ish ia:djrh m%ldY l< ;s,x. iqu;smd, m%ldY lf,a ueÉ tl merÿkdg miafia wïmhd¾g nek fyda úlÜgqj weo hehs mejeiSfuka jevla ke;s njoh'

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