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fma%laIlfhl=f.a l;djlg ä,aIdkag u,mkshs
wehs Thd weú,a,d .ykako@

Y%S ,xldj iy kjiS,ka;h w;r meje;ajqKq úiaihs úiai fojk l%slÜ ;rÕh wjika ùfuka wk;=rej msáfhka kslau hk l%slÜ l%Svl ;s,lr;ak ä,aIdkag l%slÜ msáfhka úY%du hkakehs fma%laIlfhl= mjid ;sfí'

tys§ tu fma%laIlhd yd ;s,lr;ak ä,aIdkag m%ldY lr we;af;a —ä,aIdka oeka Thd ßghs fjkak— tys§ ;s,lr;ak ä,aIdka ms<s;=re § we;af;a — wehs Thd weú,a,d .ykako— hkqfjks'

Y%S ,xldj iy kjiS,ka;h w;r meje;ajqKq úiaihs úiai fojk l%slÜ ;rÕfha ch ysñlr .ekSug kjiS,ka; lKavdhu iu;a úh'tys§ Y%S ,xld lKavdhu ,l=Kq 142 /ia lr.;a w;r wekacf,da ue;sõia w.kd ,l=Kq 81 /ialr .ekSug iu;aúh'

ms<s;=re bksu l%Svd lsÍug msáhg msúis kjiSka; lKavdhu mkaÿjdr 10 la ;=< ch ysñlr .ekSug iu;aúh'ta wkqj kjiS,ka; lKavdhu ;rÕdj,sfha ch ysñlr .ekSug iu;a jq‚'

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