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k§Ydf.a f*dfgda isoaÈfha
ùäfhdaj t,shg

iñ;d rg fyd,a,hs

ckm%sh rx.k Ys,amsKshla jk k§Yd fyauud,s iïnkaOfhka bl=;a Èk lsysmfha wka;¾cd,h mqrd jeä jYfhka l;dnylg ,la jqKd'

ta wehf.a mqoa.,sl PdhdrEm hehs lshefjk PdhdrEm fm<la f*ianqla .sKqula u.ska wka;¾cd,hg tla ùu;a iu.hs' wod< PdhdrEm fï jk úg iudc udOH Tiafia jHdma; ù ;sfnkjd'

fuu PdhdrEm fmf<a i;H fï jk úg wKdjrKh ù ;sfnkjd' k§Id kj;u .S;hla i|yd odhl ù we;s w;r fuu PdhdrEm tu .S;fha ùäfhda mgh rE.; lsÍul§ .;a PdhdrEm fm<la nj;a wKdjrKh jqKd'

fuu .S;h zz uu is,a ì| .;af;a ZZ hkqfjka kï lr we;s w;r fuu .S;fha k§Id ;u ieñhdg fydr ryfia wkshï fmï ino;djla mj;ajdf.k f.dia ;sfnkjd'

wod< ùäfhda mgh my;ska''''

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