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bÈß foi;sh ;=, m%n, weue;s Oqr
lsysmhl fjkila‌

m%n, weue;s Oqr lsysmhl fjkila‌ isÿ lrñka bÈß foi;sh ;=< leìkÜ‌ ixfYdaOkhla‌ isÿ lsÍug kshñ; nj rcfha wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

fuys§ fld<U Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk m%n, weu;sjreka fofokl=f.a weu;sOqr fjkqjg fjk;a weue;sOqr ,nd §ug kshñ;h' fï weu;sjre fofokd ld,fha úúO fpdaokdjkag ,la‌ jQy'

tu tla‌ weu;sjrhl=f.a weu;sOqrh tla‌i;a cd;sl mla‍Ifha m%Odk ;k;=rla‌ ork lE.,a, Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk weu;sjrfhl=g ysñùug kshñ;h'

tfiau ld,fha weu;s Oqrfhka b,a,d wia‌jQ ;s,la‌ udrmk uy;dg fujr m%n, weu;s Oqrhla‌ ysñùug kshñ;h'

ud;r Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk m%n, weu;sjrfhl=f.a weu;s Oqrho fjkia‌ lrkakg kshñ; w;r tu weu;s Oqrh fld<U Èia‌;%sla‌lfha weu;sjrfhl=g ysñ jkq we;'

;udf.a weue;s Oqrh fjkia‌ lrkafka kï ;udg jrdh weu;sOqrh fyda kd.ßl ixj¾Ok weu;s Oqrh wjYH nj ud;r Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk weu;sjrhd wdKa‌vqfõ m%OdkSkag okajd we;' hï f,ilska tf,i fjkia‌ lrkafka kï l%Svd weu;s Oqrfhao fjkila‌ isÿ lrkakg fndfyda ÿrg bv we;ehs mejfia'

fï w;r fujr leìkÜ‌ ixfYdaOkfha§ f;dKa‌vuka yd v.a,ia‌ foajdkkaod hk iq¿ cd;sl mla‍I kdhlhkago leìkÜ‌ weu;s Oqr ,nd§ug kshñ;h'

fï w;r taldnoaO úmla‍Ih ksfhdackh lrk uka;%Sjre ;sfokl=g ksfhdacH weu;sOQr yd rdcH weu;sOqr ,nd§ugo kshñ;h'

.d,a, Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk fofokl= yd nÿ,a, Èia‌;%sla‌lh ksfhdackh lrk uka;%Sjreka ;sfokl=g fuf,i ;k;=re ysñjkq we;'

flfia fj;;a taldnoaO úmla‍Ifha uka;%Sjre wdKa‌vqjg tla‌ jk njg me;srhk wdrxÑj,g m%;spdrhla‌ f,i ,nk i;sfha§ md¾,sfïka;= ixlS¾Kh ;=< fjku md¾,sfïka;= lKa‌vdhï /ia‌ùula‌ mj;ajkakgo taldnoaO úmla‍Ih lghq;= lrñka isà'

fhdað; jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkhg úfrdaOh ola‌jkakg taldnoaO úmla‍Ih oekgu;a ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

úOdhl ckdêm;s l%uh keu;s ckm%sh ud;Dldj bÈßhg oud rfÜ talShNdjh ke;s flfrk wdKa‌vql%u jHjia‌:djla‌ f.k tkakg rch lghq;= lrk nj taldnoaO úmla‍Ifha u;h ù ;sfí'

fï w;r taldnoaO úmla‍Ifha úu,a ùrjxY yd Woh .ïukams, md¾Yajhka yer wfkl=;a ishÆ fokd tla‌lr f.k bÈßhg lghq;= l< hq;= nj Y%S ,xld ksoyia‌ mla‍Ih ksfhdackh lrñka rchg tla‌j isák msßfia u;h ù ;sfí'

uq,dY% - tIshka ñr¾

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