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,xldfõ wdfhdackhg
uyd iud.ï leue;shs
f,dal wd¾:sl iuq¿fõ§
m%OdkSka w.ue;sg lshhs

Y%S ,xldj ;=< fï jif¾§ uyd mßudK wdfhdack i|yd yels bla‌ukska wj;S¾K ùug f,dj uyd mßudK fjf<| iud.ï /il m%OdkSyq w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg Bfha ^20 jeksod& ;u tlÛ;dj m< lr we;'

f,dal kdhlhka /ila‌ we;=¿ wd¾:sl úfYaI{hka 2000 lg wêl msßilf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka ia‌úÜ‌i¾,ka;fha fvfjdia‌ kqjr§ Bfha ^20 jeksod& f,dal wd¾:sl iuq¿j wdrïN úh'úfYaI wdrdOkhla‌ wkqj Y%S ,xldfõ kdhlhl= f,dal wd¾:sl iuq¿jg iyNd.s jQfha furg b;sydifha m%:u j;djgh' 

tu iuq¿j w;r;=r f,dal wd¾:sl m%OdkSka w.ue;sjrhdg tfia m%ldY lr we;'

ia‌úÜ‌i¾,ka;fha" fvfjdia‌ kqjr§ Bfha ^20 od& fmrjrefõ wdrïN jQ fuu wd¾:sl iuq¿jg iyNd.s ù isák w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d f,dalfha uyd mßudK fjf<| iud.ï /il m%OdkSka iuÛ idlÉPd meje;aùh'

Y%S ,xldj ;=< fï jif¾§ uyd mßudK wdfhdack i|yd yelss bla‌ukska wj;S¾K ùug w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iuÛ meje;s idlÉPdj,§ tu iud.ïj, m%OdkSyq leue;a; m< l<y'

wd¾:sl iuq¿j w;r jdrfha§ w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d yuqjQ f,dalfha m%n,;u fjf<| iud.ï m%OdkSka w;r fko¾,ka;fha ms,sma ,hsáka fidÆIka iud.fï c.;a m%Odk úOdhl ks,Odß tßla‌ frdkafvda,Ü‌" f,dal m%lg gdgd iud.fï m%Odks ihsria‌ ñia‌g%s‍" uela‌lskais iy iud.fï wdishdkq l,dmfha iNdm;s flúka ia‌ksv¾" nyf¾ka fmfg%da,shï iud.fï iNdm;s yd trg w.ue;s WmfoaYl fIhsla‌ i,audka îka l,s*d w,a l,s*d hk uy;ajre jQy'

hymd,kh i|yd jQ tla‌i;a cd;sl fmruqKq cd;sl rch hgf;a Y%S ,xldfõ wdfhdack i|yd we;s úfYaI wjia‌:d iïnkaOfhka fidhd ne,Su w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iy c.;a iud.ï m%OdkSka w;r meje;s idlÉPdj,§ m%Odk jYfhkau wjOdkh fhduq flßKs'

fuu iuq¿j w;r;=r§ Bfha mia‌jrefõ ia‌ùvkfha w.%dud;H ia‌fg*ka f,da*agka iy ;=¾ls w.%dud;H wyuÜ‌ odfjdfod.aÆ hk uy;ajre yuqù oaúmd¾Yaúl idlÉPd meje;ajQy'

f,dal m%lg uhsfl%dfid*aÜ‌ mß.Kl iud.ï iNdm;s ðka ms,sma flda¾fgdhsia‌ uy;d w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d ia‌úÜ‌i¾,ka;fha fvfjdia‌ kqjr§ wo ^21od& yuqù idlÉPd lsÍug kshñ;h'

fuu wjia‌:djkag l%fudamdh ixj¾Ok yd cd;Hka;r fjf<| weue;s u,sla‌ iurúl%u" uy nexl= wêm;s w¾cqka ufyakao%ka" ia‌úÜ‌i¾,ka;fha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s rúkd: wdßhisxy" w.%dud;H f,alï iuka talkdhl" w.%dud;H w;sf¾l f,alï iuka w;djqofyÜ‌á iy w.%dud;H úfYaI iydhl iekav%d fmf¾rd hk uy;au uy;aóyq tla‌jQy'

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