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iaud¾Ü óg¾ ckjdß 8 od isg
kj .Dyia; úÿ,s in|;dj
uQ,sl .dia;=jla fkdue;sj

iaud¾Ü óg¾ tflka lrkak mq¿jka jeo.;a fohla ;uhs ld¾hnyq, fõ,dj,ska neyerj úÿ,sh mdúÉÑ lrkakkag úfYaI wju ñ,la y÷kajd fokak mq¿jka kï wmsg fuu mq¿jka úÿ,s ksIamdok úhoug W;a;rhla fydhkak' b,aÆug iß,k iemhqula ksIamdokh lrkak wmsg wjYH jeo.;au foa iaud¾Ü ógrh y÷kajd§uhs'

ckdjß 8 od ckdêm;s moú m‍%dma;sh;a iu. iQodkñka isákjd cd;shg fï iqyqre ukqj y÷kajd fokak' 8 odhska miqj jHdmdßl úÿ,s b,aÆï lrejkag;a iqyqreukq Ndú;d lrkak isÿfjkjd'

Bg wu;rj rggu iqyqre ukq y÷kajd fokjd' bÈßfha§ úÿ,sìf,a ñ, ;SrKh jkafka fï ;=<ska ksid iqyqre ukq Ndú;h i|yd ck;djg th W;af;aclhla fõú" hehs úÿ,sn, yd mqk¾ckkSh n,Yla;s wud;H rxð;a ishU,dmsáh uy;d mejiSh'

ta uy;d fuu woyia m<lf<a wo ^05& od fmrjrefõ§ l¿;r§ ckm;s moú m‍%dma;s ieureu iïnkaOfhka mej;s udOH idlÉPqdjlg iyNd.S fjñks'

fuys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ wud;H ishU,dmsáh uy;d ''''"

wms C%shd;aul l< b;du udkqIsl jHdmd;shla ;uhs 98] la jq úÿ,sh 100] la lsÍu' fï jkúg th Èjhsk mqrd C%shd;aul lrkjd' wdrïNhla yeáhg ,nk 12 fmdf<dkakre Èia;‍%slalfha úÿ,shkh 100] njg m;alsÍu w; ckdêm;s;=ud w;ska isÿlrkjd'

ksjdi ,laI folyudrlg muK úÿ,sh ,ndfokjd' tal úÿ,s i;aldrl C%shdj,shla fia lrf.k hkjd' ta fï udi 04 l ld,iSudj ;=< wmsg yelsjqKd ,xúu ;=< fiajh l< ñksian, fiajlhska 5000 g wêl fiajl msßfika yß wvla iaÓr fiajhg tlalsÍug' fï jf.a j.lSï iys; wdh;khlg ;Dma;su;a fiajl msßila jvd;a Yla;shla' tal;a wms ,nmq ch.‍%yKhla'

ta wmg ;snqK úfYaI wjYH;djla ;uhs fkdfrdÉfpda, .,aw.=re ñ,§ .ekSu C%udkql+, lr.ekSu' j¾Ihlg re' ì,shk 60 l g jeä ñ,§ .ekSula ;sfnkjd' ñ,§ .ekSu wjYH fj,djg imhd .ekSu;a jeo.;a' fï jkúg ta ;;a;ajhka b;du ksjerÈ ;eklg f.k;a ;sfnkjd'

fï ckjdß 8 odg ckdêm;s;=ud m;afj,d j¾Ihla fjkjd' ta Èkhg iu.dój úÿ,sn, lafIa;‍%h ;=<ska l¾udka; lafIa;‍%hg jvd;a iykodhs C%uhlg úÿ,sh ,nd§u isÿlrkjd' fudjqkg úÿ,sh ,nd.ekSfï§ úYd, msßjehla hkjd' ta ksid ckjdß 8 isg iq¿ yd uOH mßudK l¾udka; wdrïN lsÍfï§ jehjk uqo,ska 25] la muKla whfldg" b;sß 75] m‍%udKh jir 5 la ld,hla ;=< iudk jdßl j,ska udisl ì,am;a iu. whlr .ekSug ie,iqï lr ;sfnkjd'

fï rfÜ l¾udka; lafIa;‍%hg úÿ,sn, wud;HdxYh me;af;ka fuh úYd, msgqn,hla' ta uQ,sl .dia;= ke;sju ´kEu wfhl=g ;u ksjig úÿ,sh ,ndfokak;a wms fï ui 8 od isg iQodkï' tu .dia;=j jir 5 la we;=<; jdßl 60 lska wh lr .ekSug wms iQodkï' tal;a wfma ck;djdÈ C%shdj,shla'

ta iqyqre ukq y÷kajd§u;a ckjdß 8 wdrïN lrkjd' ta ;=<ska wmg wNsfhda. lsysmhla ch.kak mq¿jka' úÿ,sh mdßfNdackfhka w;s oejeka; m‍%udKhla iSudfj,d ;sfnkafka ojfia meh lsysmlg' fï oejeka; úÿ,s b,aÆu ixis÷jkak jeä úhoï iys; úÿ,s ckkhkag hdug isÿfjkjd' fï ;;a;ajh ksrdlrKh lr.kak mq¿jka úÿ,s mdßfNda.slhd iu.hs' wmsg mq¿jkakï úÿ,s mdßfNda.slhdg m‚úvhla fokak" ld¾hNyq, fkdjk fõ,djka ;=<§ ;u wjYH;djka imqrd .kak lsh,d ta ;=<ska wmsg fï wêl úhoï iys; úÿ,s ksIamdokfhka je<flkak mq¿jka fõú hehs mejiSh'

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