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ryis.; l,a,shla cd;sjdoh wjq¿jhs
uqia,sï ksfjia bÈßmg 'isxy f,a'

rg ;=< cd;sjdoh weú,ùu ioyd wjYH mßirhla ks¾udKh lrñka Èh;a ù we;s ryis.; l,a,shla iïnkaOfhka wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh úiska fï jk úg úfYaI mÍlaIKhla wrUd we;s nj wdKavqfõ uka;%Sjrfhla mjihs'

f*ia nqla yryd werô we;s fuu l,a,s .eiSu fï jk úg uqia,sï ck;dj Ôj;a jk ksfjia mjd b,lal lr.ksñka ffjÍ Ndjh m;=rejd yeßu wdrïN lr we;s njhs t'cd'm md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S uqðn¾ ryqudka lshd isáfha'

óg Èk follg by; § uqia,sï ck;dj ðj;a jk ksjdi ;=kla b,lal lr.ksñka tu ksfjia j, f.aÜgq iy ;dmam j, isxy f,a hkqfjka mska;dre lr ;sîu iïnkaOfhka rdcH wdrlaIl wud;Hjrhd iu. idlÉPd l< wjia:dfõ §" rg ;=, cd;sjdoh we;sjk wdldrfhka tu lghq;a; isÿ lrkq ,nkafka ljqreka úiskao hkak fidhd ne,su ioyd wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh úiska fï jk úg úfYaI mÍlaIKhla o wrUd we;ehs wud;H rejka úfÊj¾Ok ;uka iu. mejiq nj t'cd'm md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrhd jeä ÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

mqrjeishka talrdYS úh hq;=hs

cd;sjdoh me;srùu ioyd ixúOdkd;aulj iy ryis.;j fuu lghq;af;a ksr; ù isákafka ljqreka úiskao hkak ;ju;a wkdjrKh ù fkdue;s nj;a rg ;=< cd;sjdoh we;s ùu je,elaùu ioyd ish¨‍ mqrjeishka talrdYs úh hq;= nj;a uqðn¾ ryqudka mjihs'

óg Èk follg by; È uqia,sï jeishka ðj;a jk ksjdi ;=kl f.aÜgq iy ;dmam j, fhdod we;s igyka iïnkaOfhka 3 bßod ñßydk fmd,sish fj; meñ‚,s follao ,eì we;s njhs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl rejka .=Kfialr ..k g lshd isáfha'

ñßydk fmd,sish úiska isoaêh iïnkaOfhka mßlaIK wrUd we;s uq;a fï jk f;la lsisÿ iellrefjla w;awvx.=jg f.k fkdue;s nj iyldr fmd,sia wêldß jrhd m%ldY lf<ah'

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