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jir 33l fiajl, ,dxlsl ßhÿrd
ijqÈ rc mjqf,ka Wmydr ,nhs

ijqÈ wrdìfha rdclSh mjqf,a mqoa.,sl ßhÿre f,i fiajh l< YS‍% ,dxlsl mqoa.,fhl=g Wmydr ms§fï idohla ijqÈ rc ud<s.dfõ§ mj;ajd ;sfnk nj trg m‍%jD;a;s fiajd úiska jd¾;d lrhs'

uqia,sï cd;slfhl= fkdjk fuu mqoa.,hd jir 33la ijqÈ rc mjqf,a mqoa.,sl ßhÿre f,i fiajh lr we;'

76 yeúßÈ úfha miq jk fuu mqoa.,hd zjÜáZ kï jk w;r ijqÈ rdclShka Tyqj y÷kajd we;af;a zieóZ hk fjk;a kulsks'

ijqÈ rdclSh mjqf,a úYajdih Èkdf.k §¾> ld,hla Tjqkaf.a mqoa.,sl ßhÿre f,i fiajh l< ieó úY‍%du ,nd kej; ish YS‍% ,xldjg meñKSu ksñ;af;ka miq .sh Èkl ijqÈ rdclShka úiska iuq.ekSfua idohla ixúOdkh lr ;snqKs'

tu idoh ijqÈ rdclShhkaf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka hq;=j wíÿ,a rudka ìka *¾ydka w,a ijqoa kï l=uref.a ud<s.dfõ§ mj;ajd ;sfí'

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