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2012 uehs ui 17 jkÈk r.¾ l%Svl jiSï ;dcq§ka ;u fudag¾ r:h ;=<§ oeù ms<siaiS Ôú;laIhg m;aùu iajdNdúl urKhla fkdj >d;khla njg jk f;dr;=re fy<sorõ ù we;s neúka ta ioyd uq,a jQ mqoa.,hska iïnkaOfhka úúO md¾Yjhkaf.ka ,;a f;dr;=re yd idlaIs wOHhk lsÍfuka wk;=rej fuu >d;kfha uq,a iellrejd fhdaIs; rdcmlaI nj fï jk úg lreKq ;yjqre lr.ekSug yelshdj ,eî we;s nj úYajdiodhl wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrkjd'

tu isÿùug wod< m%Odk iellrefjl= f,i fhdaIs; rdcmlaI bÈßfha§ w;awvx.=jg .ekSfï iQodkula we;s nj;a úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. ;yjqre lrhs'

fï ms<sn|j rcfha ri mÍlaIljrhdf.a jd¾;dj fndfyda ld,hla hk;=re ,nd§ fkd;snqKq kuq;a bl=;a fmnrjdß ui 12 jk Èk ^2015-02-12& tlS jd¾;dj ,nd § we;;a tys i|ykaj we;af;a ;;a;ajhka wkqj ks.ukhla ,nd§ug fkdyels nj hhs o ioyka úh'

flfia kuq;a ld,fha fï iïnkaOfhka isÿl< mÍlaIK wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j úiska isÿl<;a tys lsis j. úNd.hla fkdùh'tfiau fï urKhg wod<j mj;ajk ,o mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKfha§ wêlrK ffjoHjrhd úiska ,ndÿka jd¾;dfõ i|yka f;dr;=re j,g wkqj ldnka fudfkdlaihsâ l%Svlhdg nyq,j YÍr.; ùfuka fuu urKh isÿj we;s njg f;dre;=re jd¾;d fldg ;sìKs'

flfia kuq;a wm fj; ,efnk úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. ioykafldg isáfha bÈß ld,fha§ fuu urKhg wod<j fhdaIs; we;=< lsysm fofkl= w;awvx.=jg kshñ; njhs'

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