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m%cd;ka;%jd§ rdcH md,khg jirla msÍfï 
ieureï Wf<, W;al¾Ij;a f,i

ckm;s >d;khg W;aidylr mqoa.,hdg iudj

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ckjdß 8 ch.%yKhg Wrÿka m%Odk foaYmd,k mlaI" isú,a ixúOdk idudðlhska we;=: úYd, msßilf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka ieureï W;aijh mej;s w;r W;aijfha m%Odk foaYkh bkaÈhdfõ m%lg rdcH ;dka;%slfhl= iy uy;aud .dkaêf.a uqKqnqfrl= jk f.damd,a l%sIaK .dkaê uy;d úiska mj;ajk ,§'
ckjdß 8 ch.%yKh mdol lr .ksñka úúO lafIa;%j, úoaj;=ka úiska rpkd l< ,sms we;=<;a ,tlu oehla uy n,hla, Ydia;%Sh .%ka:h ckdêm;s;=ud m%uqL wdrdê;hskag ms<s.ekaùu fuu W;aijfha m%Odk wx.hla úh' 

kysfõf¾k fõrdks ^ffjrfhka ffjrh fkdikaisfoa&
2005 jif¾§ j¾;udk ckdêm;sjrhd fi!LH weu;sj isá wjêfha t;=ud >d;khg W;aidy lsÍfï jerÈlrefjl= ù wêlrKh u.ska isr o~qjï kshu jQ isjrdÊ fcks.kag ckdêm;s iudj §ug ckdêm;s;=ud ;Skaÿ lsÍu fya;=fjka ksoyi ,enQ Tyq ckdêm;s;=ud yuqùug nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,dj fj; meñ”u fuu W;aijfha lemS fmfkk úfYaI;ajhla úh'fuu W;aijhg iyn.sjq uy;aud.kaÈf.a uqkqnqrl= jQ,a l%sIaK .dkaÈ uy;do ;u iShd jk uy;aud .dkaÈ ;=ukaf.a wúysxidjd§ O¾Ykho isysm;alr uy;aud .kaÈ;=uka fjä;nd .d;kh lrkak lgq;=lr mqoa.,hd ysrf.g f.dia Tyqg ffu;%S lr iujd§ l, W;=ï mru wúysijd§ l%shdjo fuu W;aij infõ§ isysm;alrk ,§ ' fuu i;alaßhj foiaúfoia ishÆ uy;a meiiqug ,lajQ ld¾hla úh'

ckdêm;s;=udf.a wdf,aLH Ñ;%hla ckdêm;s;=ud fj; ms<s.ekaùu uqùka uy;d úiska isÿl< w;r kjr;ak .uf.a uy;df.a ix.S; wOHlaIKh hgf;a wurfoajhka m%uqL .dhk jDkaoh bÈßm;a l< .dhkhkaf.ka o rdcH k¾;k lKavdhu bÈßm;a l< k¾;khkaf.ka o Wf<, úÑ;%j;a úh' 

^ PdhdrEm - iqo;a is,ajd ckdêm;s udOH wxYh  &

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