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fmd,sia mÍlaIlf.a
ia:dk udrej ksid
fmd,sisfha ish¨‍ ks,hka
yvd je,fma

oUq,a, uq,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIl idrdkd;a iurfldaka uy;dg jydu l%shd;aul jk mßÈ ms<shkao, fmd,sishg ia:dk udrejla ,eî we;' idrdkd;a uy;d 18 Èk oUq,a, fmd,sisfhka msg;aj hkakg iqodkï fjoa§ fmd,sisfha ish¨‍ ks,hka fmd,sia ldka;djka ta uy;d je<|f.k meh l muK ld,hla fmd,sish ;=, yvd jefgkakg úh'

isú,a ixúOdk kdhlfhdao fï wjia:djg meñK yvd jefgkakg úh ,oUq,a, m%foaYfha udyd ix>r;akh o fmd,sishg jevu fldg ia:dk udrej ,nd hk idrdkd;a uy;d oUq,a, m%foaYhg udi 18la ld,hla ;=, l, fiajh we.hSug ,lal<y'

idrdkd;a uy;d wirK ck;djg ,msysgùu" u;aøjH ksjdrKh" <ud yd ldka;d ysxikh kej;Su ,wmrdO wju lsÍu wd§ isoa§ka /ila udi 18 ld,h ;=, oUq,a, m%foaYfha isÿ l<y' fu;rï fiajhla isÿ lrñka isá ta uy;dg yÈis ia:dk udrej ,eîu ms,snoj oUq,af,a ck;dj fmd,sia fomd¾;fïka;=j ms,snoj l<lsÍ isák nj lsh;s'

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