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l%sia f.a,a ksfõÈldjlg
me‚ y,d wudrefõ jefghs

ì.a nEIa ;rÕdj,sh w;r;=r§ ngysr bka§h fldfoõ iqmsß l%Svl l%sia f.a,a l%Svd fldg oeù hdfuka wk;=rej ˜‍fkÜj¾la 10˜‍ rEmjdysksfha ksfõÈldjla úiska Tyqf.ka iïuqL idlÉpdjla ,nd.ekSfï§ Tyq m,l< woyia iïnkaOj fïjkúg l%Svd f,da,Skaf.a oeä úfrdaOhla t,a,j ;sfnkjd'

Mel McLaughlin kï fuu ksfõÈldj l%sia f.a,a f.ka ;rk.h ms<sn| úuiq wjia:dfõ weh ksoyfia yuqùug leu;s nj m%ldY fldg ;sfnkjd'

Tjqka w;r we;sjQ foni úfoia udOH jd¾;d fldg ;snqfka fufiahs'

ug ´k fj,d ;snqfka Th;a tlal iïuqL idlÉpdjla ,nd.kakhs''talghs uu wo wdfõ''Thdf.a weia uq,ajrg uu oelafla''Thdf.a weia yß ,iaikhs''fï ;r.h wms Èkqjg miafia wmsg tlg fndkak mq¿jka'',eÊcd fjkak tmd fl,af,a''

fuu foni fndfyda l%Svd úpdrlhka wm%idoh m<lsÍfuka wk;rej l%sia f.a,a úiska m%isoaêfha udOH Tiafia tu isÿùu iïnkaOj iudj f.k ;snqKd'
tys ùäfhdaj n,kak my;ska'

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