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5 fokl= yemamq
îu;a fudag¾r: ßhEÿre
fofokl=g nrm;<hs
^CCTV ùäfhda&

Èla‌je,a, f.dvWv" mdi, bÈßmsg ud;r-Èla‌je,a, m%Odk ud¾.fha§ ^25 od& iji 5'00 g muK ud;r foiska meñ‚ fudag¾ r:hl .eàfuka ud¾.h whsfka isá f.dvWv úÿyf,a mdi,a YsIHfhla‌ yd orejdf.a udud jk 52 yeúßÈ wfhla‌ nrm;< ;=jd, ,enQy' tu r:h bÈßhg we§ hefuka nia‌ kej;=fï isá ;j;a ldka;djka ;sfokl=o ;=jd, ,enQ nj Èla‌je,a, fmd,sish lshhs'

fldaÜ‌gf.dv" mdf;a.u ykaÈfha mÈxÑ 52 yeúßÈ mqoa.,hd ud;r uy frdayf,a oeäi;aldr tallfha widOH ;;a;ajfha m%;sldr ,nk w;r orejdgo nrm;< ;=jd, isÿù we;'
fjf<| ie,lg meñK we;s fuu fofokd h<s" ksji n,d mdmeÈfhka hdu i|yd ud¾.h whsfka isák úg fuu wk;=r isÿù we;'
ux., W;aijhlg iyNd.s ù mjqf,a wh iuÕ meñK we;s fudag¾ r:fha ßhEÿre îu;aj isg we;s nj;a Tyqg ßhEÿre n,m;%hla‌o fkdue;s nj;a fmd,sish lshhs'

nia‌ r:hla‌ meñfKk ;=re isá f.dvWv m%foaYfha ldka;djka ;sfokd m%;sldr i|yd Èla‌je,a, rcfha frday,g we;=<;a lr we;'
wÕ=‍Kqfld<me,eia‌i m%foaYfha mÈxÑ 32 yeúßÈ fuu ßhEÿrd w;awvx.=jg f.k Bfha ^26 od& ud;r wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;j ;sì‚' 

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