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wÈis wdfhdaclfhl=f.ka
fvd,¾ ì,shkhl
uqo,la ,xldjg

oeä w¾nqohlg uqyqK§ isák remsh, fírd.ekSu i|yd Y‍%S ,xld rch úiska wÈis wdfhdaclfhl=f.a irK m;d we;'

uqo,a wud;H rú lreKdkdhl frdhsg¾ mqj;afiajh fj; mjid we;af;a fuu wdfhdaclhd úiska fvd,¾ ì,shkhl uqo,la fvd,¾ ixÑ; f,i Y‍%S ,xldj ;=< r|jd ;eîug leue;a; m< lr we;s njhs'

Tyqf.a wkkH;djh fy,s fkdl<o wod< mqoa.,hd fn,aðhï cd;slhl= nj;a Y‍%S ,dxlsllhl= iu. yjqf,a lghq;= lrkakfkl= nj;a wud;Hjrhd mjid ;sfí'

Tyq jeäÿrg;a mjid we;af;a ne÷ïlr fyda fjk;a wdldrfha Kh ,nd.ekSu fjkqjg fï i|yd wkque;sh ,ndÿka njhs'

2]l fmd<shlg ,ndfok fuu fvd,¾ ì,shkhl uqo, remsh, wdrla‍Id lsÍu i|yd fvd,¾ ì,shk 3-4l uqo,la úfoia ixÑ; ;=< mj;ajd.ekSfï rcfha ie,iqug wkql+,j ,ndf.k we;ehs mejfia'

wdfhdaclhskaf.a úYajdih ;yjqre lsÍfï ud¾.hla f,i fuu uqo,a wjYH ´kE wjia:djl wdmiq .ekSug Tjqkag bv i,id we;s njo rú lreKdkdhl uy;d mjid ;sfí'

fuu.ska uqo,a úYqoaêlrKhg bv ie,fik w;r uqo,a wdmiq .ekSug wdfhdaclhka lghq;= l<fyd;a jvd úYd, w¾nqohlg uqyqK§fï wjodkuo we;s nj wd¾:sl úYaf,aIlhskaf.a woyihs'

flfiafj;;a uqo,a wud;HdxYh mjid we;af;a tu uqo,a Wmhdf.k we;s uQ,dY‍%hka msßlaish hq;af;a tajd oekg mj;sk nexl= j,ska njhs'

frdhsg¾ mqj;afiajh

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