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fhdaIs; r.aì ;r.fha§
.=áld frdayf,a

miq.shod ^20& fld<U§ mej;s yeõf,dla l%Svd iudch yd kdúl yuqod l%Svd iudch w;r r.aì ;r.fha§" ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fojk mq;a fhdaIs; rdcmlaI ;=jd, ,nd frday,a.; lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ' Tyq fï jkúg fld<U kjf,dal frdayf,a fkajdisl m%;sldr ,nñka isà' fhdaIs; rdcmlaIf.a ñ;=rka mjikafka ;r.h w;r;=r yeõf,dla l%Svlhka fhdaIs;j jglrf.k myrÿka njhs'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d n,fha isá wjÈfha mej;s r.aì ;r.j,§ fhdaIs; rdcmlaI" kdu,a rdcmlaI fyda frdays; rdcmlaI wi,gj;a m%;sjd§ lKavdhïj, l%Svlhkag meñ”ug fkdyels wdldrhg wdrlaIl j,,a,la l%Svlhka úiskau ks¾udKh lr ;sìKs' oeka tjeks wdrlaIdjla ke;s ksid m%;sjd§ l%Svlhkaf.a úúO b,lalhkag Tjqka fï Èkj, iq,nj f.dÿre jkq ,efí'

yeõf,dla l%Svd iudcfha wdrxÑud¾. mjikafka tjeks myr§ula isÿ fkdjQ nj;a th idudkH l%Svd ;r.hl§ isÿjk wk;=rla nj;a h' kuqÿ fhdaIs;f.a ñ;=rka Bg mgyeks u;hla orhs'

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