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úu,a ;j;a W.=,l megf,a@
úu,af.a mlaIfha idudðlhkag
rcfhka mä f.jmq yeá fukak

uyskao rdcmlaI iufha ksjdi weu;s f,i lghq;= l< úu,a ùrjxi ish mlaIfha uOHu ldrl iNdfõ idudðlhkag jegqma f.jd we;s nj;a ta i|yd ksjdi wud;HdxYh ;=< kj ;k;=re ilia lr we;s nj;a 16jkod md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ wkdjrKh úh'

ta 2016 whjeh ldrl iNd wjia:dfõ ksjdi yd bÈlsÍï wud;HdxYfha újdohg tlafjñka ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa cd;sl ixúOdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ìu,a r;akdhl uy;d isÿ l< wkdjrKhls‚'

úu,a ùrjxi ish mlaI uOHuldrl iNslhska i|yd wud;HdxYfha ;k;=re ks¾udkh lr ÿkako Tjqka lsis÷ jevìul fyda ld¾hd,hl fiajh lr ke;s nj;a Tjqka rcfha jegqma ,nñka b;d kS;súfrdaë mlaI foaYmd,kfha kshe,S we;s nj;a tys§ ìu,a r;akdhl uy;d wjOdrKh lr ;sfí'

fï iïnkaofhka j;auka wud;H ið;a fma%uodi iu;d w,auereKq iajNdhlska lghq;= lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ish lK.dgqj m< lrk njo ìu,a r;akdhl uy;d tÈk md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lr we;'

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