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mekafkd;a ukQIg ,efnkafk
weu;s OQrhla@
ks'weu;s OQrhla@

meje;s ckdêm;sjrKfha§ fukau bka wk;=rej;a È.ska È.gu ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fjkqfjka fmkS isá md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ukQI kdkdhlaldrg fï jk úg wud;H OQrhla fyda ksfhdacH wud;H OQrhla ysñùfï iQodkula we;s nj foaYmd,k wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

Bfha md¾,sfïka;=fõ meje;s whjeh fojk jr Pkao úuiSug Pkaoh m%ldY lsÍugo Tyq meñK isáfha keye' Bfha fkdmeñK isá .dÆ Èia;%Sla ikaOdk uka;%S ukQI kdkdhlaldr uy;d .ek úúO jd¾;d m<fjñka ;sfnkjd'
ta ta uy;d j;auka wdKavqjg iïnkaOù ks‍fhdacH weu;s OQrhla .kq we;ehs hk lg l;djhs'

fuys i;H wi;H;djh fldhs yeá fj;;a ukQI kdkdhlaldr uy;d muKla fkdj uka;%Sjreka 13 fofkl=u Bfha meje;s Pkao úuiSug iyNd.s ù isáfha keye'

ta w;r ysgmq ckm;s j;auka uka;%S uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fukau .S;d l=udrisxy;a jkjd'

flfia jqjo ukQI kdkdhlaldr uy;dg m<d;a md,k yd m<d;a iNd ksfhdacH wud;HOQrh ,eîug bv we;ehs fuu wdrxÑ ud¾. wkdjrKh lrkjd'

m<d;a md,k yd m<d;a iNd ksfhdacH wud;HOQrh Ndrj oekg lghq;= lrkafka r;akmqr Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s lreKdr;ak mrKú;dk uy;dhs'

oekg mqrmamdvqj mj;ska ckudOH ksfhdacH wud;H OQrh lreKdr;ak mrKú;dk uy;dg ,nd §fï ie,iqula we;s nj;a mejfikjd'

rchg tlajk njg flfy<sh rUqlaje,a, uy;df.a ku o l;d nyg ,lajqj;a Tyq Bfha wh jehg úreoaOj Pkaoh fok whqre olakg ,enqKd'

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