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m%ùK rx.k Ys,amS
iqks,a fyÜáwdrÉÑ
wNdjm%dma; fjhs

m%‍ùK rx. Ys,amS iqks,a fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;d wo w¿hu wNdjm%dma; jQ nj mjqf,a {d;Ska mjihs' ñhhk úg 78 jeks úfha miq jQ ta uy;d Èkj, frda.d;=rj isáfhah'

fg,s kdgH" Ñ;%mg fukau .=jka úÿ,s kdgH j,go odhl;ajh oelajQ iqks,a fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;d úlg pß; j,ska fma%laIl wdl¾IKh Èkd .ekSug iu;a jQ ckm%sh k¿fjls'

1982 lvjqKq fmdfrdkaÿj Ñ;%‍mgfhka iskud lafIa;%‍hg tlajQ ta uy;d jvd;a m%‍isoaêhg m;ajQfha úlg pß; j,sks' fg,s kdgH" Ñ;%‍mg fukau .=jkaúÿ,s jevgigyka /ilg o Tyq odhl jQfhah'

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