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;cqãka >d;kfha iellre
fhdaIs; iu.  PdhdrEm msgfjhs

m%isoaO r.aì lS‍%vl jiSï ;dcqãka >d;kfha iellrejl= f,i y÷kd f.k we;s ;siai keue;a;d fhdaIs; rdcmlaI iu. isák PdhdrEm lsysmhla fï Èkj, fjíwvúj, m< fõ'

;dcqãka >d;kh we;=¿ >d;k 10lg wêl m%udKhlgo" úksiqre uxcq, ;s,lr;akg myr §u" u¾úka is,ajdf.a mq;dg myr § meyerf.k hEu wd§ wmrdO /ilg j. lsj hq;= iellrejl= f,i y÷kd f.k we;s nj;a Tyq lemagka ;siai" fïc¾ ;siai" fmdä ;siai wd§ kï j,ska y÷kajk nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

;cqãka >d;kh iïnkaOfhka fudyq w;a wvx.=jg .ekSug kshñ; w;r" fudyq furáka msg ùu ;ykï flfrk wêlrK ksfhda.hla wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j úiska n‍%yiam;skaod ,nd f.k we;s njo mejfia'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ckdêm;sj isá iufha Tyqf.a yd Ysrka;s rdcmlaI uy;añhf.a ßhÿfrl= f,io lghq;= lr we;ehso mejfia'

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