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fld<U ú§ j,ska ? t,shg tk
.Ksldjlf.a wkdjrKh

uu fï riaidj lrkafka wd;,a tlg fkfjhs
uu ug mq¿jka ;rïl,a fï riaidj lrkjd''

fï Èkj,§ wka;¾cd,h Tiafia iy úúO udOH Tiafia fndfyda ÿrg l;djg ,lajk ud;Dldjla jkafka .Ksldjka .ekhs' fld<U m%foaYfha iqmsß ksjdi iy fydfg,a wdY%s;j fuu jHdmdrh ryis.;j mj;ajdf.k hhs'

fmd,sia jeg,Sï j,§ fy<sjQ iqúfYaIS lreKla jkafka w;awvx.=jg .;a ldka;djka w;r iqm%isoaO fg,s kdgH ks<shka yd ta yd iïnkaOj rfÜ mqoa.,hskao isák njhs'

fufia w;awvx.=jg .;a ldka;djka wkqrdOmqr - ;x.,a, - uyshx.Kh - ó.uqj jeks msg m<d;aj,ska meñKs jhi 22 iy 30 w;f¾ miqjk wh nj;a" fld<U /lshd lsÍug tk nj lshd .Ksld jD;a;sfha kshe<S we;s nj;a fmd,sish mjihs' fuys§ ldka;djla remsh,a fooyfia isg by< uqo,lg wf,ú jk nj mejefia'

fuys§ ldka;djla remsh,a fooyfia isg by< uqo,lg wf,ú jk nj mejefia'

frda áù kd,sldj Èkl fld<U k.rh wdY%s;j ú§ j, ;u jHdmdrh lrf.k hk .Ksldjka ms<sn|j l, frda Tmf¾Ika jevigyfka§ leurd ldphg yiqjq tfia ú§ irK ldka;djla l, wkdjrKh iy ryis.; leurd j, igyka jQ ùäfhda mgh my;ska n,kak'''

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