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Y%S ,dxlsl l; urKfhka 
fí/fka fufyuhs
jir 3la‌ ysf¾g 

uq,ska weh fjkqfjka fmkS isg we;af;a
kS;S{hl= fkdj NdId mßj¾;lfhla‌

wkdpdrfha yeisÍu ms<sn| fpdaokd u; .,a .id urd oeóug kshu jQ Y%S ,dxlsl uqia‌,sï ldka;dj iïnkaOj Y%S ,xld rch úiska bÈßm;a l< wNshdpkh i,ld ne¨ fi!È wrdì w,a oajdoañ wêlrKh fmf¾od ^22 jeksod& wehg jir ;=kl isroඬqjï ,nd§ug ;Skaÿ l< nj jevn,k úfoaY weue;s wdpd¾h y¾I o is,ajd uy;d Bfha ^23 jeksod& úfoaY lghq;= wud;HdxYfha meje;s udOH yuqfõ§ mejiSh'

fuf,i wehf.a oඬqjï ,sys,a lsÍug trg wêlrKh .kq ,enQ ;SrKhg fi!È wrdì rchg Y%S ,xld rch ia‌;=;sh mqo lrk nj;a tfiau j;auka rcfha rdcH ;dka;%sl uÜ‌gu ms<sn|j wdvïnr úh yels nj;a fuu udOH yuqjg tla‌jQ úfoaY /lshd m%j¾Ok iy iqnidOk weue;s ;,;d w;=fldar, uy;añh i|yka l<dh'

2014 wfma%,a ui isg fuu ldka;dj isr.;j isák neúka wehg fmf¾od ^22 jeksod& ysñjQ jir ;=kl oඬqju f.ùheug we;af;a ;j jir foll ld,hla‌ muKla‌ nj;a ;,;d w;=fldar, uy;añh meyeÈ,s l<dh'

b;sydifha m<uqjrghs Y%S ,dxlsl ldka;djlg fuf,i .,a .id urd oeóug oඬqjï ysñ jqfKa' tfiau tjeks oඬqjula‌ fï whqßka ,sys,a lr.;af;a;a b;sydifha m<uqjrghs' ta iïnkaOj ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak" w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy" úfoaY weue;s ux., iurùr" fi!È wrdìfha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s we;=¿ úfoaY fiajd ks,OdÍ uKa‌v,h úYd, lemùula‌ isÿl<d hEhso ;,;d w;=fldar, weue;sjßh mejiqjdh'

fuu ldka;dj wod< jro iïnkaOj fpdaokd ,en wêlrKhg bÈßm;a l< fudfydf;a weh fjkqfjka fmkS isg we;af;a NdId mßj¾;lhl= muKla‌ nj;a wehg ysñjQ oඬqju iïnkaOj fi!È wdrdìfha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,hg oekqï§fuka miq rcfha Wmfoia‌ u; kS;s{fhl= wêlrKfha fmkS isáñka wNshdpkhla‌ bÈßm;a l< nj;a fuys§ jevn,k úfoaY weue;s wdpd¾h y¾I o is,ajd uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

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