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uyskao ug l=Kqyrefmka nekakd

ßidkdf.a mjq,g jkaÈ f,i ,enqKq
ñ,shk oyh meje;s wdKavqj ms,a,s .y,d'''

fi!Èfha§ urK o~qju kshu ù isá ßidkd kd*sla oeßh fírd .ekSfï wfmalaIdfjka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d yuqùug .sh wjia:dfõ Bg iydh ,nd fokq fjkqjg ;udg isÿ jQfha mreI jpkfhka neKqï weiSug hehs iudc iqnidOk iy iudc iún, .ekaùfï ksfhdacH weue;s rkacka rdukdhl uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

;udg neK je£u muKla fkdj fi!È f.dia f., is| fkd.kakehs rdcmlaI uy;d ;udg Wmydid;aul f,iska mejiQ njo ;ud bka oeä wmyiq;djg m;ajq njo rdukdhl uy;d lSh' ta isoaêhg ;s,x. iqu;smd, uy;d iy u¾úka is,ajd uy;ajre idlaIS nj lS weue;sjrhd th ms<sfkd.kafka kï ;ud iuÕ újD; ixjdohlhg tkakehs wNsfhda. lrk nj wkdjrKh lf<ah' weue;sjrhd tfia i|yka lf<a udÈfj, msysá ks, ksjfia§ fmf¾od^24&iji meje;s úfYaI udOH yuqjlg tla fjñks'

ßidkd oeßhf.a Wmamekak iy;slfha uq,a msgm; ;ud i;=j ;sfnk nj;a th fi!È rchg bÈßm;a lsÍug wjir ,nd §ug iydh ,nd fok f,i;a ;ud b,a,d isá nj rdcmlaI uy;d yuqùug .sh fya;=j i|yka lrñka weue;sjrhd lshd isáfhah'

ysgmq niakdysr m<d;a wdKavqldr wf,ú ujq,dkd" ysgmq mdr,sfïka;= uka;%S ta 'tÉ' tï wiaj¾" ysgmq weue;s ysianq,a,d uy;ajre ßidkd oeßh fírd .kakd njg rgg fndre uqyqKla fmkajQ nj;a m<uq mka;sfha .=jka álÜ m;a ,nd .ksñka Tjqka ijqÈ f.dia isÿ l< hq;= ld¾hh mfil,d idmamq ijdß .sh nj;a weue;sjrhd wkdjrKh lf<ah'

ßidkdf.a mjq,g jkaÈ f,i ,enqKq remsh,a ñ,shk oyh meje;s wdKavqfõ n,OdÍka úiska ms,a,s .id we;ehso fyf;u lSfõh'

hymd,k wdKavqfõ úfoaY m%;sm;a;sh iy wka;¾ cd;sl in|;d fya;=fjka fi!È rdcHfha§ ., urd oeóug kshñ;j isá Y%S,xlsl ldka;dj ksoyia ler .ekSug yelsjQ njo weue;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

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