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rdcmlaI,df.a wh;d foam<
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ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a mjq,g yd Tyqf.a {d;Skag wh;a jHdmdrhkag t,a, ù we;s fpdaokd iïnkaOfhka fmd,sia uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdih ^FCID& "  nrm;< jxpd ¥IK fiùfï ckdêm;s fldñiu we;=¿ wdh;k úiska fuf;la lrk ,o úu¾Ykhkag wkqj Tjqkag wh;a tu jHdmdr yd foam< rdcika;l lsÍug yelshdjla mj;sk nj kS;s wxY fmkajd fohs'
rdcmlaI mjqf,a jHdmdr wdrïN lsÍu i|yd uqo,a fhojQfha flfiao hkak ms<sn|j úfYaI úu¾Yk isÿ flÍ we;s w;r tys § rdcH iïm;a Ndú; lsÍu" rcfha uqo,a wh:d wkaoñka fhoùu" kS;s úfrdaë wdldrfhka lghq;= lr ;sîu yd l¿ i,a,s iqÿ lsÍu hkd§ nrm;< jxpd ¥IK idlaIs iys;ju Tmamq lrf.k we;'

rdcmlaI mjq,g wh;a iS'tia'tka' ^Carlton sports network& rEmjdyskS wdh;kh iïnkaOfhka úu¾Yk lghq;= fï jk úg wjika flÍ we;s nj o oek.kakg we;'iS'tia'tka' kd,sldj wdrïN lsÍu i|yd remsh,a ñ,shk 230l uqo,la fhoùu iïnkaOfhka úu¾Yk /ila isÿ lr we;s w;r tlS úu¾Ykj,g wkqj wod< uqo,a fhoùu isÿ lr we;af;a o ¥Is; wkaoñks'

iS'tia'tka' kd,sldfõ ysñldÍ;ajh rdcmlaI mjq,g wh;a fkdue;s nj yqjd oelaùug tys md,kdêldßh lghq;= lr ;snqK;a uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdifha úu¾Ykj, § wkdjrKh lrf.k we;af;a iS'tia'tka' kd,sldj uyskao rdcmlaI mjqf,a jHdmdßl ia:dkhla f,i mj;ajdf.k f.dia we;s njh'

wh:d wkaoñka Wmhd .;a uqo,a Bg fhdojd we;s nj;a l¿ i,a,s iqÿ lsÍfï cdjdrula isx.mamQre iud.ula yryd isÿ flÍ we;s nj;a uQ,sl úu¾Ykj, § fy<s ù we;' wod< lreKq ie,ls,a,g .ksñka iS'tia'tka' kd,sldj rdcika;l lsÍug yelshdjla mj;sk nj kS;s wxY fmkajd § we;af;a'

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