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rdcmlaI frðufha l=vq lkafÜk¾
ã,a lrefjla rùf.a Wl=f,a@

rdcmlaI frðuh iufha uy;a wdkafoda,khlg ;=vqÿka u;al=vq iÛjd ;snQ lkafÜkrhla f¾.=fjka ksoyia lr.ekSug lghq;= l< ysgmq w.ue;s È'uq' chr;akf.a f.da,fhl= jk isisr úf–isxy keue;s mqoa.,hd fï jkúg uqo,a wud;H rù lreKdkdhl úiska ;udf.a hg;g f.k ;sfnk nj jd¾:d fõ'

uqo,a wud;H rù lreKdkdhlf.a udOH f,lïjrhd f,i isisr úf–isxy lghq;= lrk w;r l=vq lkafÜk¾ isoaêh isÿjk iufha § fudyq È'uq∙ chr;akf.a f,alïjrfhl= f,i lghq;= fldg ;snqks'

l=vq lkafgk¾ f.kaùug ,sms ieliSfï fpdaokd msg fiajfhka mylrk ,o fuu mqoa.,hd miqj weußldjg m,d .sfhah' ue;sjrKh wjika ùfuka wk;=rej kej; Y%S),xldjg meñfKk fudyq rù lreKdkdhl iuÛ iïnkaO ù ;udg yqre mqreÿ cdjrï mj;ajdf.k hdug lghq;= lrk njg f;dr;=re ;sfí'

fuys§ úfYaIu lreK kï idudkHfhka wud;HxYhl udOH f,alïjrfhl= jYfhka m;alrkafka wju jYfhka isxy, bx.%Sis NdId folu hï m%udkhlg fyda yeisrúh yels mqoa.,fhl= jk kuq;a isisrf.a bka.%Sis oekqu b;du w,am nj o jd¾:d fõ' óg wu;rj fudyq ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ifydaorhd jk f.daGdNh rdcmlaIf.a fukau ckdêm;s mq;a kdu,a rdcmlaIf.a o fyd| ys;jf;l= nj jd¾:d fõ'

rdcmlaI frðuhg iïnkaO ù fkdfhl=;a l+G jHdmdr isÿlrf.khñka isá mqoa.,hska /ila fïjkúg j;auka rch iuÛ fïjkúg;a iïnkaO ù iy iïnkaO ùug udk n,ñka isák nj;a rdcmlaIjreka o fuu mqoa.,hka ,jd ;uka úiska isÿlrk ,o ¥IK iy jxpd jikalsÍug ;e;alrk nj;a jd¾:d fõ'

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