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ckm;s j;sldkqõ isg idufha mKsúvh /f.k ths
zzwhjeh .eg¿ .ek jD;a;Sh iñ;s 
iuÛ idlÉPd lsÍug uu iQodkïZZ 
ckm;s lshhs

fujr whjeh fhdackd iïnkaOfhka we;sj mj;sk .eg¿ iy.; lreKq iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a wjOdkh fhduqj we;ehs jd¾:d fõ' fï iïnkaOfhka fm!oa.,sl wxYhg wh;a jD;a;Sh iñ;s ;=, we;sj we;s ielh iy ta iïnkaOfhka t,a,ù we;s úfrdaOh i,ld n,d fuu ;SrKh .;anj ckdêm;s ld¾hd, wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

mej;s ¥Is; frðuh wjikafldg ;udj fuu

ia:dkhg f.k taug idudkH ck;dj úYd, lemùula isÿl< nj;a" fm!oa.,sl wxYhg wh;a fiajlhska ;ud ckdêm;sjrhd njg m;alsÍu fjkqfjka oelajQ odhl;ajh w;s uy;a nj;a ckdêm;sjrhd m%ldY fldg we;s w;r jD;a;Sh iñ;s j,g fuu whjeh fhdackd iïnkaOfhka mj;sk m%;sm;a;suh .eg¿jla iïnkaOfhka
wod, jD;a;Sh iñ;s iuÛ idlÉPdjla mj;ajd Tjqkaf.a fhdackd iy Tjqka bÈßm;alrk ldrKd ie,ls,a,g .ksñka fomd¾Yjhgu tlÛúh yels ueo ia:dkhlg meñkSu w;HjYh nj;a ckdêm;sjrhd m%ldYfldg ;sfí'

tfukau ;ud hymd,k ixl,amh ;=,ska woyia lf<a hï wdldrhg rch ;=,ska idudkH ck;djg hïlsis widOdrKhla isÿjkjd hhs isf;k wjia:djl § rch iuÛ idlÉPdlsÍfuka wk;=rej tu .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lr.ekSug yelshdjla we;slsÍu nj;a" tfia hï widOdrKhla isÿj we;akï ta iïnkaOfhka wjYH mshjr .ekSug ;ud m%uqL wud;H uKav,h läkñka
lghq;= lrk nj;a Tyq ;jÿrg;a m%ldYfldg ;sfí't<efUk 16 jkod Y%S),xldjg meñ”fuka wk;=rej yels blaukska fuu idlÉPdj meje;aùug ;SrKhfldg we;s nj ckdêm;s ld¾hd, wdrxÑud¾. m%ldY lrhs'

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