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tkaßla f.a m%ika.h .ek
ckm;s l;d lrhs
ñka bÈßhg fujka
jevigykaj,g wkque;sh kE

ixúOdk lf<a ix.d ufya, f.a 
LiveEvents iud.uhs

,;ska weußldkq fmdma .dhl tkaßla,aishia úiska miq.shod fld<U § meje;ajQ iÔù ix.S; m%ix.h fïÈkj, fndfydafokd w;r l;d nyg ,laù ;sfí' ;reKshla tkaßlaj ism .ekSu;a" ;j;a ;reKshla ish ;kmgh tkaßla fj; úis lsÍu;a tu l;dnyg ;j;a lreKq ldrkd tlafldg ;snqKs'

fuh ixúOdkh lr ;snqfKa  Y%S ,xld l%slÜ ms, ksfhdackh l< l%Svlhka fofofkl= jQ l=ud¾ ix.laldr yd ufya, chj¾Ok ysñldÍ;ajh orK  Live Events  iud.u úiskqhs'

rfÜ ixialD;shg fkd.e<fmk foaj,a ñka bÈßhg rg;=< lsÍug wjir fkdfok nj;a" tjeks jevigyka ixúOdkh lrkakkag uvq j,s.fhka ;e,sh hq;= nj;a ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d mejiSh' wïmdr ã'tia'fiakdkdhl cd;sl mdif,a meje;s iuia; ,xld oyï mdi,a ;,sfha ;E.s m%odfkda;aijhg wo ^27od& iyNd.s fjñka ckdêm;sjrhd fï nj lSh'

˜‍miq.shod fld<U ixo¾Ykhla meje;ajqjd' î,d kgmq wh Wkaudohg m;afj,d" iuyr ;re‚hka ;uka we|ka ysgmq fn%ish¾ .,j, úfoaYSh .dhlhd <Õg úis l<d' fï wfmalu rlsk yeá' iuyr ;reK .Ekq <uhs fõÈldjg ke., nf,ka ism.;a;d bkak neßj' fï n‍%ekaä" úials wrlal=j, álÜj, ;snqK yhsh'
idudkHfhka .fï ndidjla ;sfhkjd ljqreyß jereoaola lrmqjdu lshkjd ´lg uvq j,sf.ka ;,kak´fka lsh,d' uu fï lshkafka fn%ish¾ .,j, fõÈldjg úis lrmq .Ekq <uhgj;a" fõÈldjg ke., wr wixjr úfoaYslhd ism.;a; <uhgj;a fkfjhs' fujeks jevigyka ixúOdkh lrk ñksiaiqkag uvq j,sf.ka ;,kak ´k lsh,hs uu lshkafka'˜‍

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