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fidahdóÜ oekaùula ‍ fmd,sishg
wmydijk whqßka
ieliQ wdh;khg jev jr§ú

fmd,sia ks, we÷u Ndú; lrñka ydiH W;amdol jk wdldrhg ‍fmd,sia fomd¾;fïka;=j wmlS¾;shg m;ajk wdldrhg tla;rd ckm%sh fidahdóÜ ksIamdok iud.ula ovuia yd fidahd iïnkaO fjf<| oekaùula ilid rEmjdyskS kd,sldjl m%pdrh lsÍu iïnkaOfhka tu iud.fï ysñlreg iy tys rx.kfha fhÿK mqoa.,hka fofokdg úreoaOj ‍fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr ‍fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d Bfha fldgqj ‍fmd,sishg meñ‚,a,la bÈßm;a lr ;sfí'

wfYdaNk rx.khl fhfoñka lEor lñka fidhdóÜ lk fuu fjf<| oekaùu iïnkaOfhka ‍fmd,sia wd{d mkf;a 84 jeks j.ka;shg wkqj fuu meñ‚,a, bÈßm;a l< njo ‍fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd i|yka lf<ah'

‍fmd,sia ks, we÷u fyda Bg iudk we÷ï Ndú; lrñka l=uk fyda lghq;a;la isÿ lrkjd kï Bg ‍fmd,siam;sjrhdf.ka fyda kS;sh yd iduh ms<sn| wud;HdxYfha ‍f,alïjrhdf.ka wkque;sh ,nd .; hq;= njo ta uy;d mejiSh'

tys§ jrolre jqjfyd;a wod< mqoa.,hkag udi foll isro~qjulg hg;a lsÍug yelshdjla we;s njo jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ ‍fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr ‍fmd,sia wêldß rejka .=Kfialr uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

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