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ysre‚ldf.a äf*kavrfhka
;reKfhla meyer.;a yeá

myrfooaÈ;a ysre‚ld t;k

ysáh¨‍ ;¾ckh;a lr,d¨‍

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%SkS ysre‚ld fma%upkaøg wh;a äf*kav¾ r:hlska meñ‚ msßila flf<dkakdj m%foaYfha ;reKhl= miq.shod ^21& meyerf.k f.dia myr§ kej; u. oud f.dia isáh § ‍fmd,sish úiska fidhdf.k we;s njg fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr ‍fmd,sia wêldÍ rejka .=Kfialr uy;d mjikjd'

Tyq fougf.dv .=jka md,u wi, frÈ wf,úi,l fiajh lrk w;r Bfha miajre 2'25g muK tu wf,úi,g lvd jeÿKq mqoa.,hska yhfokl= Tyqg myr§ äf*kav¾ r:hl nf,ka kxjdf.k f.dia ;sfnkjd'

fuu meyerf.k hdu iïnkaOfhka fougf.dv ‍fmd,sish mq¿,a úu¾Ykhla wdrïN lr we;s w;r meyer.;a äf*kav¾ r:fha wxl ;yvq ms<sn| iS'iS'à'ù' o¾Yk ud¾.fhka fy<slr .ekSug ‍fmd,sishg yelsù ;sfnk njghs jd¾;d jkafka'

tu äf*kav¾ r:h md¾,sfïka;= uka;%SkS ysre‚ld fma%upkaøf.a kug ,shdmÈxÑ lr we;s nj fy<sùfuka miq ta Tiafia úu¾Yk l< fmd,sish miqj ysre‚ld fma%upkaøg fï ms<sn|j okajd ;sfnkjd'

flfia fj;;a fmfrhsod rd;%S 8'30g muK meyer.ekSug ,la jQ ;reKhd uyu. oud f.dia ;sfnk w;r miqj tu ;reKhd fougf.dv ‍fmd,sia ia:dkhg meñK we;s w;r Tyq mjid we;af;a ;udg wod< msßi ysre‚ld fma%upkaøg wh;a fldf<dkakdfõ mlaI ld¾hd,hlg f.k f.dia myrÿka njhs'

tu wjia:dfõ ysre‚ld fma%upkaøo tys isá njg myrlEug ,lajQ mqoa.,hd mjid isákjd' ysre‚ldf.a wkqoekqu u; fuf,i ld¾hd,hg /f.k f.dia myr§ we;s nj;a fmd,sisfha oud we;s meñ‚,s bj;a lr.kakd f,i;a" weh kS;S{jßhla ksid lghq;= l< hq;= wdldrh .ek weh fyd¢ka okakd nj;a tys§ mjid we;s njg jd¾;d fjkjd'

;ud ysre‚ld fma%upkaøf.a m%n, wdOdrlrejl=f.a ìß| iu. in|;djla udi yhl isg meje;ajQ nj;a Tyq fougf.dv ‍fmd,sishg lgW;a;rhla § ;sfnkjd'

wod< ldka;djf.a jhi wjq' 34la jk nj o tu ;reKhd ‍fmd,sish yuqfõ l< meñ‚,a‍f,a i|yka jk w;r myrlEug ,la jQ fuu ;reKhd Bfha rd;%sfhau fld<U cd;sl frday,g m%;sldr i|yd we;=<;a lr ;sfnkjd'

isoaêhg wod, CCTV o¾Yko fï jkúg wmfj; ,eî we;s w;r hymd,khg uqjdù md¾,sfïka;=fõ isák uka;%Sjßhkaf.a f.da,hska fuf,i ;ukaf.a pkaälï fmkaùug wirK ñksiqka fhdod.kafka wehsoehs ldg;a .eg¨‍jla'

tys o¾Yk my;ska''''

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