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weu;s ÈhKsh trka;sf.ka
wdor yqgmgh ms<Snoj ms,s;=rla

miq.shÈk j, ;/Kfiajd iNdfõ uq,amqgq ysñldrhl= iy fh!jk lghq;= yd ksmqK;d ixj¾Ok weu;sf.a ÈhKsh trka;s rxf.anKavdr iu. we;s wdor iïnkaO;dj ms,snoj iudc fjí wvúj, jeäjYfhka l;dnyg ,lajqj' ta tu mqoa.,hd fj; fpdokd t,a, lrñka Tjqkaf.a wdorho ta fj; wEod .ksñks' Èkj,§ ´md¥m jYfhka úúO m%jD;a;s m, l< udOHlrejkag trka;s rxf.anKavdr fukúh ish f*ianqla .sKqfuka ms<s;=re ,nd § ;sfnkjd'

;ukaf.a fm!oa.,sl Ôú;h iïnkaOfhka jo fkdù l%shd lrk f,i okajd we;s wef.a igykska weu;s ¥ orejka uyck uqo,a wjNdú; lsÍu hkd§ m%jD;a;s m, lrkjd fjkqjg Tjqkaf.a fm!oa.,sl Ôú;h .ek fiùu oeäj fy<d oel ;sfnkjd'

fuh f.disma mqj;a iy ´md¥m hkak mg,jd f.k udOH wdpdr O¾u ^t;slaia& wu;l jqK fjí udOHlrejkag weu;s Èhkshf.ka lfKa myrla t,a, jQ wjia:djla úÈyg fndfyda fokl=f.a l;djg ,la ù ;sfnkjd'

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